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My mind was numb. How could this have all been going on under my nose?

"So you and the boys and Leah...you're..." 

"Shapeshifters, yes." Paul finished.

I looked to Carlisle next. "And you...you and your family...you're"

"Vampires." he nodded.

"This explains so much, your lies, the pack mentality, the tattoos, the way you all disappear..." I looked between the two. "So you're enemies?"

Carlisle chuckled slightly. "By history, yes. But our families have managed to understand each other in this lifetime. We had a treaty, now we have a relationship. Renesmee's birth had a lot to do with that."

"Renesmee, the hybrid..." I finished, and they both nodded.

"Yes. Although the kind of hybrid we expect you may be is different. If my calculations are correct, you can now phase. The addition of the venom to your developing wolf genes will have solidified your shapeshifting ability. Maybe if you'd like to test it we can know for sure?" 

I looked to Paul for guidance, and he smiled reassuringly. "Let's go figure this out." he said. 

Paul led me outside with a few of the Cullens in tow. Sam was walking up as we walked outside. 

"I was just coming to check on you. How are you feeling? What happened?" Sam inquired as he met us in the tree line across from the Cullen house.

I looked to Paul. "Different.." I breathed.

"Is she..." Sam trailed off cautiously.

"She knows everything. We think, Carlisle thinks that because her shifting DNA was forming and then got mixed with the venom that she may be...a hybrid," Paul informed, watching Sam's eyebrows raise in surprise.

"You couldn't get the venom out?" He asked Carlisle.

He shook his head. "I'm afraid her blood reacted vastly differently than expected. It was absorbed in seconds, most likely reconfiguring the shifting DNA and locking it in as a new, super strand. We're just about to test if she can phase."

Sam nodded in understanding, only now taking in my physical appearance and noticing my changes. I could tell he was taken back but trying to remain calm and not seem uncomfortable for my sake.

"Ok. Well usually when people phase for the first time it's because they're angry, and it's an accident. Maybe we can just try and tell you how we do it now that we're used to it?" Sam offered and I nodded.

Paul stood in front of me. "It may hurt a little, but we're here, okay? For me, I just picture myself as the wolf. I think about how it feels, and by now I'm so used to it I can usually phase in a split second." 

I nodded along, attempting to understand how I could do that. 

"This is gonna look so dumb if I can't even do it, what if I'm not like you?" I questioned.

Paul huffed a laugh. "One way to find out. You're definitely not a normal vampire that's for sure. You don't stink, you're still warm, your eyes aren't newborn red. So I think it's safe to assume there's something more." 

I understood what he meant, and took a few steps away, looking between the three men cautiously. 

I stood on my own, closing my eyes and focusing intently on the visual that Paul had provided me. What would it feel like to be a wolf? I attempted to visualise my paws, the feeling of the ground beneath me, the power, the fur. I immersed myself in the idea of the transformation, fully allowing myself to believe it was possible.

Fortuity // Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now