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We stood gathered in the field, awaiting the arrival of the Volturi. The Cullens ahead of the pack who had phased along with me moments ago, ready to back the coven up if needed. Joseph stood with the Cullens, and everybody could feel the nervousness radiating off the poor boy. He had been silent since he came for me, and had filled us in on what he knew of the assault size and the plan of the newborn army.

Edward, Joseph needs some reassurance right now, I spoke through my thoughts in wolf form, sending him intentions to calm the boy. Edward turned around to see me and then looking at Joseph who was close to my wolf, trusting me the most and still feeling like he had to protect me to make up for what happened, though I insisted he didn't need to blame himself. 

I walked forward to Joseph, nudging him with my snout and encouraging him to take a few steps forward where Edward was, also indicating he could trust him. 

"We've dealt with the Volturi on multiple occasions, Joseph. It's going to be okay," Edward soothed in a fatherly way to the newborn. 

He nodded nervously. "It's not them I'm nervous about," he stuttered, Edward nodding in understanding. 

"We won't let anything happen to you. It's not too late to opt out of the battle to minimise your risk," he assured.

"No. I'm here to stay. I'll be fine," he demanded, Edward sending me a look of worry before resuming his stance.

"They're almost here," Alice announced, referencing the Volturi. With the help of Jared's wife, Juliet, we had managed to orchestrate the battle of the Newborns vs Volturi to take place on our land, as well as organise for the Volturi to arrive slightly earlier, allowing us to pledge allegiance and show our intentions were pure to avoid any further angering of the vampire government. 

We waited a few more moments, Seth standing shoulder to shoulder with me in our wolf forms and nudging me with his nose. When this is over, I can't wait to take you on a proper date. He sent to me through our minds, allowing me to feel the smile in his heart. 

Me either, Seth. 

Right on cue, the massive governmental bodies that was the red-coated Volturi arrived in a swoosh of speed, Seth standing protectively in front of me slightly as he let out a subtle growl, still fearful for their wrath on me if they found out what I was.

"Ah, Carlisle, my old friend." the man in the middle spoke, Aro. 

This motherfucker looks like he's been electrocuted, I thought to the pack at the sight of his wide eyes and creepy smile, earning a symphony of huffs in laughter.

Carlisle stepped forward to greet Aro in the least threatening way he could. "Hello, Aro. I'm sorry we had to meet under such disappointing circumstances." Carlisle reasoned.

Aro gestured for Carlisle to step forward, asking for his hand. "Is the word of a newborn army attempting to overthrow us true?" he asked slowly, reaching for Carlisle's hand in place of an explanation. When he made contact, his face flashed with recognition and understanding. "Ah, how very disappointing indeed." 

Carlisle nodded. "We got word of the movement through one of the newborns who encountered a friend of ours. It became clear he was not intending to be apart of the movement, and chose to stand with us today." 

Edward put a hand around Joseph's shoulder comfortingly, beckoning him over to Aro. 

"Ah, young one. May I?" Aro asked, gesturing to Joseph's hand.

Joseph shook nervously but agreed, lifting his hand to allow Aro a glimpse into the army that was to be arriving soon as well as check for clear intention in Joseph. "It seems you have done us a great service, young man. And the woman you bit?"

Fortuity // Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now