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Seth's screams of pain from the back room of the Uley house were deafening. His bones were being reset like Jacob's had been years prior, and Carlisle was doing his best to help my imprint. 

The effects of his screams were wrenching me, Paul and Jared having to hold me back from running in to take Sam's place and sit with Seth while he went through the pain. They told me I needed to stay out here instead of being in the room, which was making me want to phase and rip out my brother's throats. 

I had tears streaming down my face as my whole body felt like it was on fire all over, my whole heart and soul pulsing in physical pain. I ended up freeing myself from Paul and Jared's grip to throw up in the garden from stress and fear, Seth's screams being the worst sound in the world to me and making my stomach do backflips.

Emily was quick to hold back my curls as I heaved and she rubbed my back. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry," she whispered in sympathy as I hyperventilated and clutched my body.

It wasn't until I  held my arm and let out a breathless yell that Embry caught on to the level of intensity I was experiencing. 

"Is she feeling his pain?" he voiced breathlessly, almost phasing at the sight of me in such distress. 

Paul's eyes widened. "Could she be? I mean it's our first double imprint and we've never had a hybrid before..." he added, considering it to be the only explanation.

"It's stopping," I whispered exhausted, holding my shoulder and arm as the pain began to subside due to Seth's pain stopping momentarily also.

As I finally stopped feeling beaten up, Carlisle and Sam emerged onto the porch and I stood upright, Sam frowning at the sheer sight of me - blotchy faced and tear stained, hunched over with Emily holding my hair.

"Is he okay!?" I yelled instantly, taking clumsy steps over to the men eager for news.

Sam put a hand on my shoulder comfortingly as Carlisle spoke. "He's okay. He's broken a lot of bones, back and collarbone the worst, but his accelerated healing is doing him well. The worst is over, much like Jacob I needed to break him again in order to heal him, so now it's just letting him rest it off."

I let out a sigh of relief, holding my chest as the physical sensation of my thanks took over. 

"I'm sorry you couldn't be in there," Sam sympathised, understanding how erratic he would have been if it were Emily.

I fanned myself, coming down from my anxiety and near-phasing episode. "I need to see him now." I demanded, no longer open to waiting.

"Let her, we think she must have felt everything he did, she was in agony out here." Quil aided, rubbing my back sweetly and caringly as he sent Sam pleading eyes.

They nodded, not waiting for me to register a response as I dashed to Seth's room in vampire speed.

In the spare bed, Seth lay surrounded by pillows to keep him comfortable, his collarbone bruised beyond belief and an arm in a sling. He was glittered with pained sweat, hair wet and slicked back due to the exhaustion of injury, and attached to a drip of morphine.

His eyes sleepily found mine, clearly drained from Carlisle's treatment, barely able to hold his eyes open and peering through dark lashes.

"Hey, baby." he whispered breathlessly. He must have been a little tipsy from the morphine because he'd never called me that before, and it was definitely making me feel a kind of way.

"Seth," I breathed, moving over to him instantly and grabbing the hand that wasn't in his sling. "God I was so worried about you, Seth I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you sooner, I can't believe I let this happen, you should have never been on the battlefield I can't believe I let you fight today, I-"

Fortuity // Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now