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Stan picked Mabel up and carried her into the direction of the tall men carrying Dippers body, following them into the ambulance, Bill tugged Dippers callar dragging him along behind them. The 2 ambulance men muttered to them selves while hooking Dipper up to one of the oxygen machines inside.

"What do you want Bill?!" Explamed Dipper, "I have to get back in my own body. Mabel- She has to know I'm okay!" Dipper eyed Mabel still in Stan's arms, her face laid on his tear stained sleeves.

"Yeah, your 'okay'" Bill laughed, "What I want is very simple, I want to make a deal." Dippers ears purked up,
"A deal? Are you kidding? that's what got us into this whole twisted mess in the first place!" Dipper swung at Bill, his hand right through him,
"Whoa easy there tiger, no bodies this time, all I want is all 3 journals." Bills shiny yellow service reflected the image of 3 identical journals too his at home.
"I can't get them my self because Stan demon proofed his layer," Dipper cut him off

"Layer?" he screeched, "That's but the point my pine tree, I'll keep your body breathing for 24 hours, if I don't have all 3 in my hands in 24 hours, you'll be flat lining.

"And if I don't agree?" asked Dipper, Bill swished his hand, a loud buzzing sound pierced his ears, glancing over he saw the heart monitor go flat,

"Tick tock kid," Muttered Bill,
"Deal!" Dipper said instantly at the thought of dying right her, in front of his sister. Bills hand flashed the familiar blue fire and they shook.

"And don't try any thing funny, let's not forget who has acsess to your very own body."
"Bill! How am-" Bill disspareaed leaving Dipper alone in thought. "How am I going to find or even touch all 3 books in 24 hours." he whispered to him self

Alternate Ending | Gravity fallsWhere stories live. Discover now