Wake up call

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Dipper awoke to rustling around him unlike animals or people- or even Bill. It was almost like a presences was looking over him. He opened his eyes, temporarily blinded by the light. He blinked a few times till he could see clearly then looked around his body. Shadows of what looked like dozens of people were all around him.

"Agh!" he screamed jolting upright and clutching his back pack. The shadows all drifted away like fish swimming away from a person in the water. Dipper scratched his head.

"What was that," he whispered to him self. Bill hand't mentioned any thing about human like shadows only his souls and kingdom.

Dipper tried to change his perspective by trying to convince himself it was just his imagination, his medication probably just warring off, but in the back of his mind he knew that that wasn't some thing that you can just imagine.

Meanwhile far behind Dipper, the rest of his family was waking up to the same thing, lots of human shadows huddling around each body. Stan managed to shoo them away before his niece woke up. Stan had stayed up almost the whole night but fallen asleep while the sun started to rise. Good thing it didn't come while they were asleep.

After Stan and Mabel had started on their way they were startled by a voice behind them.

"Oh great! It's a whole Pines family reunion here isn't it? Why don't you guys go pick up the bratty blonde girl and the fat one and we can have a party?!" It said.

"So I hear you've met Dipper, Bill," Replied Stan.

Mabel was astonished by what just happened in front of her. Stan had known Bill all along?

"Met Dipper? That's a good one. I've known Dipper for weeks now." Stan was surprised as well. Dipper had know Bill all along?

"Look, I'll give you 2 the same spiel. I have Pine Tree. Find the portal and get out. I see the shadows have already found you. You won't last much longer."

Alternate Ending | Gravity fallsWhere stories live. Discover now