Charlie x reader 🌺

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Hiiiii I'm back for good- I think- but ye here be a request that happened months ago and I'm doin now bc school and procrastination 🗿✨
TySm for the lIst AddIngs anD voteSS aaAAa I didnt know I was so adeQuate ÓwÒ I'm still leArNinG
Apparently we're starting CoUrSeWoRk- like bruh we're still doing the things we didnt do last year bc of COVID- can you nOt-
⚠️there is a single swear word✨🤭 baddie⚠️
(Y/n) was zoned out, scrolling absentmindedly through their phone, not sure whether they couldn't be bothered to or daren't look at the shallow comments on whatever people were discussing at the moment. Nothing, and I mean nothing, had happened at all recently, but (Y/n) was used to the boredom by now. Because they didn't have the motivation to get a job, they had few friends who they didn't see often, and no gossip to entertain themselves with. However, one of those few friends just so happened to be the princess of hell. She was different compared to the rest of the demons residing in hell, appearing charming and kind. (Y/n) had been on the brink of asking Charlie whether it was all an act, when she had run to her house to announce the opening of a rehab centre she was calling the 'Happy Hotel'. She had explained how her father hadn't approved at all, and told that she'd appreciate all the support (Y/n) could muster. (Y/n) had, in fact, tried their very best, despite first impressions, but the excitement for Charlie had died down pretty quickly after the flop of an interview. Charlie had reported few demons actually coming to the hotel, though she had said it was 'better than none!'

(Y/n)'s phone flew from their fingers as someone knocked at the door. They sat up suddenly, then hurried to the hall. Through the patterned glass, they could make out long blonde hair and a pink... blazer? Suit? Either way, that was enough to indicate who it was, so (Y/n) turned the handle and pulled.

Charlie stood in front of (Y/n), wearing a smile that would had been convincing, had her eyes not portrayed the watery shadow of tears. (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Hey, you good—?"
Charlie threw her arms around them and let out a muffled sniffle. "I'm fine. You're okay?"
(Y/n) eased Charlie away to lead her into the house before closing the door behind them. They then turned to Charlie, resting their hands on Charlie's shoulders then sliding them  tenderly down to her hands. "Something's wrong, and though I don't like drama, I'd rather know what it is so I can help."
Charlie let her smile slip a little. Lowering her gaze, she murmured, "you can't do anything about Mom being busy and Vaggie being irritable and everything else to do with the hotel and—"
(Y/n) threw their arm over Charlie's shoulder and began leading her to the living room. "Oh, yeah, I s'pose you're right. I must say though, I'm touched that I'm the one you came to for help." They frowned suddenly. "Why did you come to me for help?"
"I don't know," Charlie shrugged. "I guess I just wanted to get away from, well, people."
"And I'm not a sentient being like everyone else?" (Y/n) teased.
"No, no! I-"
"I was joking."
Charlie wrapped her arms around herself and looked down, embarrassed. "Oh... Sorry-"
"And don't apologise either."
Charlie seemed to be cheering up already. The two collapsed onto the couch, which was torn in places. (Y/n) let Charlie ramble, knowing she'd only loose track of her frustration-fuelled thoughts if she was interrupted. When she'd finished her little rant, (Y/n) said, simply: "right. well, just relax for a bit and try and forget about it for a while"— knowing it could easily follow up whatever Charlie had just said. They knew they weren't the best at advice and comfort, so tried not to get involved in anything— unless it involved hell's own surprisingly soft-hearted princess. A comfortable silence seemed fit to brew, until (Y/n) got up suddenly, stating they were going to make hot chocolate for the both of them. Charlie didn't protest, and was content to listen to the chilled wind curling around the house. She felt herself drifting off. The noises around her seemed to blend into one, the light folding in dark— "ouch!"
"Sorry! I don't have any placemats, so I wanted to give it to you, and..."
"I- I'm fine. It just took me by surprise." Charlie pulled her sleeves over her knuckles and held the hot cup steady while it cooled on her lap. She looked at (Y/n), who also turned— awkwardly and slowly— with a confused expression. Their eyes were a rich (e/c), Charlie noticed, and decided promptly that: "I like your eyes."
"Damn. Vaggie gonna be mad."
Charlie looked shocked.
"Oh, did you mean that?"
"I didn't even mean to say it."
(Y/n) let out a sudden laugh. "Wel—"
Charlie jerked forwards to set her cup down firmly on the table in front of them before throwing her arms around (Y/n)'s neck, overwhelmed by the gratitude she felt for their light attitude and benevolence.
"NO, FUCK, THE COFFEE TABLE!" Much to their surprise, Charlie didn't react, not even with laughter. Realising she was serious, (Y/n) felt a little out of place. "Um— Sorry. That was uncalled for."
Charlie responded by pressing her cheek against (Y/n)'s. Don't worry about it.
(Y/n) sighed, suddenly feeling weary. They slouched forwards, relaxing their muscles, and returned Charlie's affection. Near complete quiet ensued, cocooning the two demons. A warmth for Charlie rose in the centre of (Y/n)'s chest. They realised how stressed Charlie must really be, having to come to them, out of everyone in her life, even Vaggie— someone she trusted most. They tightened their grip around Charlie's middle and curved their body protectively around her. Her heartbeat was faintly audible. Charlie tucked her arms and legs to her chest and leaned against (Y/n). They looked down at their jacket, evaluating if it was long enough, before unbuttoning it to drape it over both their's and Charlie's shoulders. Charlie looked up at them, a soft smile and wide, warm eyes, dark like syrup, gracing her face. She beamed with a bright air before burrowing into (Y/n)'s chest. (Y/n) was quite flattered, so, unsure how to take it, just folded their legs around her and held her close.

Charlie stood up and gulped down her drink hurriedly. "Sorry for loading all that onto you. I didn't know what else to do."
(Y/n) jerked their head up, having nearly fallen asleep. "Oh, uh, no, it's fine. I'm glad to be here for you to come to." They shifted awkwardly. I didn't even listen properly..!
"I'm not expecting you to do anything, unless you really want to. It was just a bad day, after all!" She turned to smile again. "I feel a lot better, anyway."
Thank God. "Uh-uh. Well, that's good."
"I should be going. Vaggie will be worrying."
(Y/n) nodded in agreement. "Yeah, she's pretty protective of you. Not that that's a bad thing." They followed Charlie to the door, content that they had made her better. They had taken a breath to say goodbye, when Charlie turned. "Actually, I'd like to stay a bit longer. Just to chat. Y'know, about normal things!"
"Oh, no, that's fine! What about Vaggie?"
"I'll text her. She'll just act all annoyed!"
"If you're sure." Truthfully, (Y/n) was overwhelmingly happy to have Charlie as a guest for longer than planned, and lead the way back through the hall feeling lightheaded with happiness.

AAaAaAA d o n e— tysm for literally 1k reads WHAT- ik most people will just have read the first one and been like n o p e, but ya know its still a good numbie for me
WOw, this one was long overdue. Thanks and veRy sorry to the requester, whose comment didnt appear in my notifs when they requested in JULY— so, yes. Autumn tings now
It's half term next week, so I'm try and get another done during then. No promises tbh tho- DEFINITELY NO PrOmISEs-
Ima prolly have to to a Dah Vinki over the half term for my art tho, but we'll have a looksee

TYSm to EVerYoNE WHo HAsN'T lOSt FAItH iN mE QwQ

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