Chapter 6 : Sorry

Start from the beginning

I didn't expect him to tell me that. He started tearing up. I couldn't say I completely understood his pain, but I couldn't dismiss his pain either. So I sat a bit closer to him.

I put my hand on his, squeezing his a bit. I just felt like I needed to do something.

He allowed it for a few seconds, then swiftly took his hand away and wiped his tears. We sat there for a while, in pure soothing silence.

Maybe it was the warmth of his hand for those few short seconds, or maybe the thought of having an actual friend here, but after a while... I fell asleep.

I must've slept for 12 hours that day. I remember feeling so rested. I looked around and I was suddenly on the bed, instead of the ground I fell asleep on. I noticed Katsuki and well he was just sleeping on the floor. I felt guilty seeing him, he didn't deserve to sleep like that.

We continued to work, but our hunger grew worse for the next couple of weeks. Splitting meals wasn't ideal, but that's the only thing we could do. Katsuki and I started fighting about everything. Hunger messes with people, and it messed us up pretty bad.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO HUH?!" I screamed, hungrily, waiting for our meal to arrive.

"IF YOU JUST SHUT YOUR TRAP THAT DAY, WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SITUATION!" He yelled, making angry gestures at me.



Suddenly a knock echoed through our room that made us shut up, the food was here. Katsuki just looked me viciously in the eyes. There it was, that intimidation again.

They slid the food through the small opening in the door, I felt like taking it all for myself. I knew Katsuki had the same thought. We were both so hungry.

I controlled myself though and walked slowly up towards the food. Katsuki's eyes followed me through the room, making me a bit uneasy. I split the food, reluctantly gave half to him.

We didn't speak to each other for a few days after that night...We ignored each other's existence.

Then on one quiet day...

"I'm sorry..." His deep voice murmured.

"W-what?" I questioned, confused by his words. At that moment an apology was the last thing I'd expect from Katsuki.

"You heard me- I'm not repeating myself!!"

I sighed,

"It's fine, Bakugou. I just wish we had more food..."

After that, we sat there quietly for a minute, just resting from our labour. Then to my surprise he somewhat calmly said,

"It's Katsuki."

I gave him a small smile and stated,

"You're full of surprises today."

He tsked and sat on the bed.

Katsuki was always full of surprises, but that day stood out.

My hatred for that place grew stronger every single day. Our labour seemed to get worse, or maybe that was just my fatigue talking. Katsuki seemed to warm up to me, but I wasn't entirely sure. He was always such a hot headed guy, it's hard to notice these things with him even to this day.

I did feel sorry for him though. Some nights he wouldn't come to our shared cell; The day after those nights he would always have new scars, still red from whatever they did to him. Whenever I asked him about it though, he wouldn't say anything, but he wouldn't cry either. I felt so helpless back then...

Whenever I got scars, it was during labour hours. They'd pull me aside and punish me for whatever I did wrong again. I never understood why they punished us so differently, but I never bothered to ask.

Katsuki and I always tried to find the little things that could help us guess where we were, or who kidnapped us, or why. We never found answers though.

"Do you have an idea who he is?" I asked, half-eating our shared meal.

"Him? He's a dead man walking!" He threatened and sat at his usual spot, eating as well.

"Frustrating how we've been here forever and still don't know what's going on." I complained.

He tsked, "All I care about is putting that jerk in his place."

We never did find out who he was. Even now he's managed to escape without a trace, that bastard.

Katsuki and I had our ups and downs, but we always stuck by each other. That's something that has never ever changed about us, even to this day.

Our relationship did change one day...for the better.

Author's Note: 

Bakugou: *tells the reader about his painful memories in the white room*

My best friend who pre-read the story: That's rough buddy.

Seriously though, no hate towards my friend. 

Also a while ago I read about music torture and how even the CIA uses it on prisoners. That's why I used it for Bakugou's explanation, cause music torture is worse than its sounds. Plus I think that's cool.

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