Chapter 5 : Familiar

Start from the beginning

His shirt was slightly torn and I could see some scars on his arms.

"W-what did they do to you here?" I looked at him, and he looked back at me with pain in his eyes. That was enough of an answer.

I looked around the dark underground tunnel, a simple light brightening us. The colour of his eyes stood out in a weirdly beautiful way.

"Let's get back, they're gonna start looking for us."

I nodded and followed him.

When we came back, the guards told us and some other kids what to do. They showed us what to destroy, this time we needed to make some space underground for further mines.

These were kids with quirks that could kill, yet here we were slaves to some sick bastards. I quickly learned the way around the place.

You do enough work, you get food. If ya stand by, ya don't get much. In a way it was survival of the fittest.

The work however was insane. We worked 10 or even 11 hours a day and only got two 30 minute breaks. The guards always reported back that they still haven't found 'it', but that's all I knew. I didn't want to find out what 'it' was.

On lucky days it rained, that way we could get some water during work.

This went on for about a year, same thing everyday. Katsuki and I met up on breaks sometimes, we had this bizarre friendship or alliance going on. We supported each other, which seemed weird for Katsuki to do.

The other kids?

Most of them were a mess. They just wanted to go home, they weren't exactly 'social'...

Actually they'd be selfish. They'd blame their mistakes on you whenever the guards asked what happened, they did anything to avoid punishment. Like I mentioned it was survival of the fittest. Some were friendly, but they'd soon learn friendliness wouldn't help them survive. Even I did stuff I'm not proud of...

Each month a new kid was brought in. Each time they saw this garbage hole of a mine, they cried. I couldn't blame them, I did too.

Those few hours we had free? We were put in cells; they'd give us minimum food and water. The rest of the night they expected us to sleep.

These were not shared cells. They were like solitary confinement in prison. Horrible.

I caught up with Katsuki on how the world was before I got... taken. He asked about his parents, but I couldn't say much about them.

Those 30 minute breaks became our cherished moments funny enough, we didn't have anything else to cherish.

One day, things became... different around the mines.

We had our typical assignment, make a path to a cave that was said to be located somewhere north. Katsuki did most of the work that day. I just stood by in case he got tired. We took turns. We didn't get to work together a lot like this, but I enjoyed it while it lasted. He blasted small explosions making a tunnel one by one. When we were halfway there, the worst case scenario happened. His explosions set something off, making the mines unstable. Things started to collapse, pathways with people inside closed.

The guards soon found me and Katsuki, and blamed it all on him.

"This is bs, you guys made us dig here. It's not our damn fault." I protected him. We knew what the punishment was. That's why the scars were there in the first place. That's why I protected him. I know the fucking pain.

"You're talking back at us? Don't think you're getting away with that- We have a way of dealing with disobedient kids like you." The guard threatened, taser ready in his hand.

"Oh shut up, you idiots. You need us to fix this mess anyway, you're not gonna do jack shit to your top guy." Katsuki defended, he was right. They weren't going to do anything... and Katsuki was indeed the top guy in our squad.

But then he came down and the guards quickly informed their boss on what happened.

"Oh so the two love birds did this? And you? Talked back?" He responded, eyeing me with his typical smile.

"He's right, you know. Our Bakugou didn't do anything wrong." He grinned at Katsuki,

"...however talking back needs at least a little punishment, don't you think so?" He gazed down on me. What an asshole. I was filled with so much anger at that point. I was ready to punch him, if it weren't for those damn guards there though.

He looked at the guards with a serious look and commanded,

"Put them in cell 01. We have enough kids in the destruction squad to deal with this." 

Author's Note: Does anyone else have the song 'Familiar' from steven universe stuck in their head because of the title of this chap? No? Just me? Aight.

Hold me in your arms (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now