Chapter Ten

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{ a/n- Warning: this chapter includes derogatory language that may be found offensive. I would never, ever use this, but it's for the story. Please respect that, and respect others. }

Blaire and I walk to our next period together, physical education. We change in the locker room, our lockers being side by side. I keep my line of sight away from Blaire when she's shirtless, not wanting to seem pervy. Blaire just giggles, noticing my obvious choice of vision.

"I don't care, you know." She tells me.

When we head out into the gymnasium, I realize we're having co ed today. This will not be fun. We spread out in the room for kickball, Blaire on the team kicking and me on the field. The boy who sits in front of me in English is next to me, and he starts talking to me.

"So you and Blaire are dating?" He asks.

"Yeah, I guess so." I reply, biting my lip to keep from smiling.

"That's surprising." He remarks. "I never would have pegged you as a faggot."

My breath gets caught in my throat as he says that. "Don't call me that."

"I can call you whatever I want, fag." He retaliates.

My heart pounds in my chest and my breathing becomes wild. It's like a chorus in my head, what he's called me. That was my worst fear. I try to speak, but I can't make myself talk. I'm about to run to the bathroom, and I almost make it there, when I collapse on the floor. My vision becomes spotty and I feel dizzy.

"Sophie!" I hear a familiar voice yelling. Blaire.

I try to assure her I'm okay, but I'm not sure if I am. I try to stand, but slump back down. I can't move, can't breathe.

"Call 911!" A voice shouts.

And that's all I hear before everything goes black.

The Confession (Sequel to 'The Accident') | GresterWhere stories live. Discover now