Chapter Four

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"You okay Soph?" Maggie whispers in my ear. I nod and sit down across from one of the other freshman girls. I think her name is Blaire, and she's in my English class.

"Let's get started." A sophmore guy says, spinning the bottle. The bottle lands facing him and the blonde girl who led us down here.

"Come here babe." She says with a wink, pulling him in for a kiss.

I recoil from the kiss, gagging silently. It looks very wet.

"Ew they're eating each other." Maggie says almost inaudibly. "Like just have sex already, why don't you."

I grin at her before turning back to the game.

"Round two!" The girl calls, spinning again.

The bottle lands facing Blaire-and-and me. My eyes widen in surprise, looking at Blaire. I never thought my first kiss would be with a girl. As Blaire blushes and moves over to me, I realize how pretty she actually is. Her glossy brown hair that sits just below her collarbone and her bright green eyes are enchanting.

"You okay to do this?" She asks me.

My heart pounds in my chest as I answer, "Sure."

Blaire leans in to me, her hand softly caressing my face as her lips press to mine. The kiss is light, warm, and amazing. I kiss her back, feeling something I've never felt before. We kiss for a long time, longer than I've ever thought I'd kiss someone. It's only when I hear one of the sophomores clear their throat that I pull back.

Maggie's mouth is wide open in surprise, and I feel myself registering what just happened. I kissed a girl. I just kissed a freaking girl! I try to take a deep breath, but my chest feels tight and I can't seem to get enough air. I try to say something, but it comes out choked.

"I-I have to go." I exclaim, turning and running up the stairs.

I bolt from the house, down the street and to the nearest bus station. I clamber into the next available bus. I don't know where I'm going but I know I need to get out.

"West LA at Granger Avenue." The bus driver announces. Aunt Mamrie's street.

"Me!" I call, rushing off the bus. I sprint down the street, adrenaline coursing through every vein in my body. I don't stop running until I reach Aunt Mamrie's door. I pound on it, slamming my fist against the wood until Mamrie opens the door.

"Sophie?" She asks in suprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know." I reply. "But I need help."

The Confession (Sequel to 'The Accident') | GresterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu