Chapter Seven

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The next morning, Saturday, I wake at 8am. I rub my eyes groggily, the events of the night before hitting me like a bus.

"Oh my god." I mumble.

I dress, not wanting to sit in my pajamas all day. I pull on a pair of dark skinny jeans and a navy blue cardigan. I push open my bedroom door and walk into the kitchen, seeing Mom is up and Dad has already left to the recording studio.

"Morning Sophie." Mom says with a smile.

"Morning." I reply, retuning her smile. "Can Maggie and I go to the mall today?"

"Sure." Mom goes, a bemused look on her face. "Let me know when Maggie replies and I'll drop you guys off."

"Thanks mom." I say, taking my phone out to text Maggie. I need to talk to her.

Me: Hello friend, want to come to the mall today? I need to tell you something.

Maggie replies quickly.

Maggie: I've been searching for a reason to get out of the house while Mom films an MDK. God bless

Me: My mom says she can drop us off, when will you be ready?

Maggie: I'm like ready now. Mom is halfway to being drunk already and she may be funny to people on the internet but it's kind of embarrassing watching her tipsy. Please save me.

Me: We'll be over in ten.

"Maggie is ready now." I tell Mom. "She says she wants out of the house while Aunt Hannah films a My Drunk Kitchen."

Mom laughs and grabs her car keys. "Let's go then. I'll be filming while you are out, so if you need me text instead of call."

"Okay." I agree.

We pick Maggie up and Mom drops us off at the mall. We go to the food court and purchase Cinnabon as our breakfast.

"So what do you need to tell me?" Maggie asks.

"Well last night, I obviously kissed Blaire." I start.

"Okay, so you're hot new girlfriend is named Blaire." Maggie jokes, not knowing what's coming next.

"God I wish." I mutter.

"You wi-wait what?" Maggie questions, realization settling in.

"Yep." I say quietly. "I'm super gay."

"Whoa." Maggie remarks. "That's awesome!"

"Really, you think so?" I ask with a relieved smile.

"Of course I think so! I have two moms for god sakes!" She replies. "I've always wanted a gay best friend to be honest."

"Wish granted." I joke, laughing alongside her.

The Confession (Sequel to 'The Accident') | GresterWhere stories live. Discover now