In the Kitchen (Alex James)

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I was walking back to the flat that I shared with my boyfriend Alex, the soles of my shoes tapping the street light-lit pavement. I looked down as I walked, watching the pavement sparkle from the fresh coat of rain it was drenched in earlier. My thoughts were racing, since Alex and I had a fight earlier that day.

I loved him more than anything. He was childlike, playful and sweet, but I felt like that oftentimes put us on two different pages. As much as I love his fun approach to life, and how he brings me out of my shell to do things I never would've done without him, I wish he could occasionally be serious with me and tell me how he feels. With him, it's either silly or sexy, or both, but he has this side of him that's capable of depth and real sensitivity and commitment. I just wish he'd show it more, and show he's ready to take this relationship seriously. Earlier today, we got in an argument over that, and I was so frustrated with him that I left, because I think we both needed to cool off for a while.

I finally made it back home, and I noticed that the lights were on, the yellow tint glowing from behind the curtains. I took a deep breath, and opened the door, bracing for whatever mood Alex may be in.

I heard pots and pans banging in the kitchen as soon as I walked through the door. I took my shoes and coat off, and went to the kitchen to find Alex. He was cozied up in one of his favorite sweaters and a pair of jeans, and had an apron tied around his neck and his waist. He had a pot in one hand, filling it up with water. Tortellini pasta, cheese, basil, tomatoes and chicken breast placed on the counter.

He looked over at me, and smiled. Putting the pot down, he came over to me and wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in my neck. I smiled, just happy to feel him so close to me after a rainy, gloomy day without him.

"I'm cooking dinner for you." He said softly. He gently placed his hand on the small of my back, and led me to the kitchen. "It's my 'I'm sorry' dinner." He cheekily grinned, and continued what he was doing.

Carrying the pot of water to the stove, goofily splashing drops all over the counter and floor. I giggled, watching him adorably run around the kitchen, making sure he had everything he needed. I couldn't help but be reminded of why I fell in love with Alex in the first place; that boyish, sweet, silly charm that he really brings out when we're alone.

"I'll help you." I said. He grinned, and grabbed the other apron we had hanging on a hook on the wall.

Alex came up behind me, and tied the apron around my waist before gently moving my hair out of his way to tie the other strings around my neck. He held my hips in his hands, squeezing me, and pressing his soft lips into my neck, gently brushing over spots on my skin that he knew were ticklish. I giggled, "Alex, stop it!", and felt his lips curve into a smile on my skin, his hands giving me one last squeeze before letting me go.

"This is your favorite food, isn't it, love?" He asked. "You always liked a good pasta."

"Yeah, I love pasta." I replied, looking around the kitchen for the cutting board. "I'll start slicing the tomatoes."

I bent over to open the bottom cabinet, where I spotted the cutting board. Alex, never missing an opportunity to be cheeky, pinched my bottom as I was bent over, causing me to let out another giggle.

"Hey, watch it!" I laughed, looking at the big, boyish smile on his face.

"I'm sorry darling, you know I can't help myself sometimes." He said jokingly, causing me to smile bigger and roll my eyes as I walked past him. He put the pasta in the pot with a pinch of salt, waiting for the water to begin to boil.

I placed the cutting board on the counter, and started slicing tomatoes. Before too long, I felt Alex come up behind me, his arms wrapping around me once more, and his chin resting on my shoulder. He pressed himself up against me, not saying a word, just being needy, in a good way, wanting to hold me close.

"Don't you have something to do?" I giggled. "You're distracting me."

"You're doing fine." He reassures me, not letting go as he watches me slice the vegetable. "You know, one day, I'm going to marry you, and we'll have our own house with a garden outside full of those."

I froze, surprised at what he just said. "You want to marry me? I didn't think you ever wanted to be that serious." I said, referencing out argument from earlier.

"Of course I want to marry you," He said, his voice softening. "I couldn't imagine a life without you in it."

He was interrupted by the beeping of the timer, so he turned away to check on the boiling pasta water.

"Besides," He said. "You're the only one who'll put up with me." We turned around to look at each other, both with a smirk.

I laughed and said, "Somehow, you've tricked me into liking you quite a bit, I suppose."

He turned me around to face him, his playful, sparkly eyes looking into mine before saying, "So it's settled. You're stuck with me."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, noticing and admiring how he apologized and told me his real feelings in his own way. Telling me he was serious about this relationship in his own goofy, playful but incredibly sweet way.

"I love you." He said, moving his lips close to mine.

"I love you, too." I said. Our lips met, my fingers found their way through his hair, and my insecurities about our relationship washed away. x

Blur ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora