Unexpected // Ch.13

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   It's been three days since then, Octavio hasn't spoken to me nor has come to see me, I tried texting him but he never replies,with each day that passes by a little bit of my heart goes with it. I really do miss him, "I can't let it stay this way any longer!" I snap myself out of sulking mode and jolt up from my bed.

   "8:30 am, he's probably eating breakfast in the cafeteria." I can feel myself get all jittery from excitement inside. I hurry and grab a pair of black jeans and an oversized white T-shirt and tuck it into my pants; "The mark isn't noticeable right?" I ask myself, I adjust my shirt a little more before I grab my phone, dig out my keys from beneath the couch and bolt out the door.

I rush down the stairs at the end of the hallway to the cafeteria, I look around but I don't see Octavio, I start to walk around the cafeteria more and in the corner of my eye I see a familiar head of hair, a shock goes through my body, "Could this be?" I start to make my way through the many people in the cafeteria, "Octav-", It wasn't him, just some guy that worked here.

   I wave at him and smile then make my way back, it's been about an hour and there's no sight of him, my determination is slowly depleting, I try calling him again...no answer.
I made it back to my front door, I fall to my knees; I feel defeated, "Octavio..." I weep, my eyes start to feel heavy, it so lonely and cold without him. My heart is aching, I can't go on like this.

  I hear footsteps from behind but I don't bother to see whose behind, "Pathetic." they suck their teeth. I slowly rotate my head revealing that the person behind me is Crypto.
"Leave me alone Crypto, I don't have time for your foolishness." he doesn't respond, "Just go away." I murmur, I hear him sigh. He lifts me up by my elbow, "You remind me of someone, you know; pain fills his eyes, I can tell this person must have been very important to him.

I caress his cheek and smile, "it's going to be okay." he then grabs my hand and pulls me in for a hug. It took me by surprise, this wasn't like him at all, his "bad boy" persona has now changed to a more soft, tender one...and honestly I prefer this one more than his other.
"So who was this person? Seems you guys were close." I ask him curiously but he's silent.

I've come to realized that I poked my head somewhere where it shouldn't be. "I'm sorry." I tell him, "For what?" he responds, "For prying." he starts to chuckle, "Don't worry about it."

It's been a couple minutes and I feel like Crypto and I have gotten closer, he told me about his drone and how it works, it was fascinating. I didn't even realize mind was taken off of Octavio. I invite Crypto inside and he accepts.

I open the door and we both start to head in, I hear the faint sound of a camera clicking from behind but I don't pay any mind to it. "Probably a photographer taking pics of the building." I tell myself before shutting the door behind me, unaware of it's true intentions.


To Be Continued

//588 words// i'm back :>

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