Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Stubborness

Qin Ya came back again, scrubbing Li Xin'er's nose, and began to rub his arms with canola oil.

Throughout the whole process, although the little guy held tears in his eyes , he made ni complaint at all.

"Just cry out when it hurts."

Lookingat the little guy trying so hard to hold tge tears , Qin Ya wanted to laugh but also felt sorry for him.

"Daddy said that men only weep when deeply hurt."

The little guy gasped crazily, having tears welling up in the eyes yet still making no complaint about it.


Qin Ya eyebrows quaked a bit and coudn't help wondering about her "cheap" husband.

Although Li Xin'er qas just a little kid, he did show sense of pride and wisdom.

Indeed, he would be afraid like ordinary children. However, he was able to escape from Lord Zhang's home even when ge was afraid. This was not something that could be done only with courage.

If the child was like this, what kind of person would the father be?

The aroma if the ripe sweet potato interrupted Qin Ya's imagination.

Qin Ya dug out the ember-roasted sweet potatoes with a stick. Then, she peeled the two largest ones and put them into a clean broken bowl.

Because the sweet potato just came out of the fire, after Qin Ya peeled off the skin, her whole chubby hands were red.

" What are you looking at? Eat it or your stomach will protest again later."
Li Xin'er looked at the sweet potato in the bowl and then at Qin Ya's Red hands. The tears that had been held back just now fell down uncontrollaby.

Qin Ya saw this and was stunned.

She exclaimed deep in the heart that this child was so little and he had already experienced too much of life.

"Men only weep when deeply hurt?"

Qin Ya gently patted the little guy's head with a smile. Immediately, the little guy realized that ge was crying, and he wiped it away with his sleeves in a hurry.

The little guy didn't take the sweet potato with hands just because he was starving. Instead, he got up to take two pairs of smoothly- cut chopsticks nade from bamboo.

"Mommy, gave some too."

He handed Qin Ya a pair of chopsticks.

Qin Ya took the chopsticks and stopped short of crying. She finally clearly realized that this little guy had not hit his stomach because he had thought it would help with hungry. Instead , he had deliberately done that!

He knew the situation in his family and that the owner could not get enough food for two people.

Children were different from adults. They learned whatever you taught them. Beating the stomach was his way to deal with it in his world. Claiming that it had been learnt from Zhu Cuihua was to make his own words more credible.

Qin Ya finished the meal with tears in her eyes.

She felt increasingly guilty to Li Xin'er. Why did such a sensible child get an unhelpful mother!

"Mommy, Er Niu said that ge was going to tge field for frogs. Can I go?"

After dinner, Li Xin'er asked timidly.

Qin Ya finally found out that the little hqd his own thoughts about running back from Zhang's house.

Er Niu that Li Xin'er mentioned was three years older than Li Xin'er and was very naughty. In the memory of the original owner, the original owner hated his guts because he often used different ways to give her a hard time.

However, she was not the original owner. She knew that Er Niu gave the original owner a hard time because the original did not show any affection to Li Xin'er.

"Yes, you can go. Just remenber to cone back before it gets dark."

" Thank you, mommy!"

Once the little guy got the permission, he was so afraid that Qin Ya might take back her words, so he ran out so quicky.

Seeing the little out of sight, Qin Ya put away her smile.

When she raised her eyes again, she looked in another direction wuth coldness welling up her eyes.

"What a Li family! They took her money and taught this little kid such nonsense!"

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