Chapter 32

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Uninvited Guests

As the days went by, Qin Ya had been lying in bed for recuperation. Taking advantage of this time period, she was busy making clothes for Li Chenggu and Li Xin'er.

She broke the thread with her teeth and unfolded the clothes to check. Then, she asked Li Chenggu and Xin’er to come and try on the new clothes.

Li Chenggu was calm and didn’t show much excitement about new clothes.

However, Li Xin’er held the clothes dearly as if it was a treasure, and then his tears rolled down like a broken pearl necklace.

Qin Ya can't help being stunned by his reaction. She fondly embraced him in her arms and coaxed him in a soft voice, "Why are you crying? Do you not like the clothes I made?"

Li Xin'er wiped tears with his sleeve and cried, "I like it so much. My mommy is so kind to me. No one has ever been so nice to Xin'er."

Qin Ya pitied him for having suffered so much at such a young age. In fact, she had always regarded him as her own child.

“If you like it, I will make more for you in the future. Now, don't cry anymore. Men only weep when deeply hurt. You have grown up to a little man now. How could a little man cry so easily?"

Li Chenggu had always been very strict with Li Xin’er. However, he didn't say anything when he saw this scene. He was not treated by his parents properly and had never felt maternal love ever since he was a child.

It would be great if Qin Ya could make it up for Xin’er in this part.

Li Chenggu tried on the clothes that Qin Ya had made for him. The indigo satin clothes matched him so well that he was no less attractive than that of a reputable movie star. Qin Ya had a blush on her face upon seeing him.

"I want to go hunting in the mountains after some time. If it gets colder, there are hardly any animals coming out. This period of time is just when the animals are coming out and foraging, so I can hunt more animals at this time."

Qin Ya nodded in agreement.

When Li Chenggu got dressed and was about to go out with a bow and arrow, Qin Ya stopped him, then went inside to pick up a bag of flour in the inside room and went to the next door. After a short time, she came back with some steamed buns in her hand.

"How can you go hunting without bringing any food? You don’t leave me much time, and I didn't get to prepare the food, so I went to the Sister Lan next door to exchange some steamed buns for you so that you can eat on the way. "

She didn't expect Li Chenggu to go out so soon. However, she also understood what Li Chenggu had said was true. It would be improper for her to stop him.

Looking at the food she handed over, Li Chenggu sighed, "You don't have to worry about it, actually. I won’t starve myself. When I was marching in the military before, I had to find a way to solve the food issue on the road by myself as well..."

"That's not the same."

Qin Ya interrupted him, "You were in the military back then, and there was no way for me to control what you did. Now I'm at home. Since I'm your wife, you have to listen to me. It's my duty to prepare food for you."

Li Chenggu knew that he couldn't resist her, so he didn't say anything else.

Although he felt warm in his heart, he didn’t show it.

"Then, I'm leaving now..."


After seeing Li Chenggu off, Qin Ya made an inventory of the things at home.

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