Chapter 22

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A Setup

After finishing the meal, Li Chenggu thought it was about the time. Therefore, he escorted the thief to the feudal office.

Qin Ya and Li Xin’er were at home waiting for him.

Huang heard about what had happened last night. This village was small. Besides, residents in the village loved to gossip to each other, so any news could spread from the east to the west of the village within the time of burning an incense.

When Huang got the news, she was very happy. Qin Ya made such a plan to take away so many things from the family. Huang even doubted whether she could handle that much food.

Now, it was great. That somebody else taking it was still better than letting Qin Ya eat all those stuff herself.

However, her happiness didn’t last that long before she heard that her second son Li Chenggu already came back last night. Now, Huang couldn’t remain idle anymore.

"Qin Sufen, come out."

Huang and her eldest daughter-in-law came again.

Qin Ya had been at home washing the clothes that they wore in the past two days. Soon, she heard this familiar voice.

She came out of the room. "What brings you here again?"

"Is this the way you should talk to your mother-in-law and sister-in-law?"

Zhu Cuihua was straightforward. She spat at her and said, "Don’t think that you have Chenggu now and what you did in the past will be unknown. I’ll see if he would still like to help you when the mother-in-law tells him what you've done."

‘It turns out that they are here to complain to Li Chenggu!’

Qin Ya realized it immediately but still looked cold and said, "That's a pity. Chenggu happened to go out just now. You know that a thief came to my house yesterday. I'm afraid he won't be able to come back for a while. You..."

She stopped here with the implication that they could go back home now and they were not welcomed here.

"Then we'll wait for Chenggu to come back. I haven't seen him for a long time."

Huang was sensitive and recognized the implication of Qin Ya’s words. She used the excuse of not seeing her son for a long time and therefore had to stay and wait for her son to come back.

Qin Ya knew from the memory of the original owner clearly that Huang didn’t hold a good intention about her second son.

Since Huang said she was going to wait and she was still her mother-in-law, it was inappropriate for Qin Ya to argue more.

"Go and get two wooden piers for grandma and auntie so that they can sit."

After telling Xin’er to go get the seats for them, Qin Ya went back to the room to continue washing clothes.

Qin Ya had been listening carefully to what was going on outside, so she knew immediately the moment Li Chenggu got inside the yard.

She wiped her hands and came out of the room to watch Huang and Zhu sing a good play.

"Chenggu, my son..."

Huang put on a sad face trying to show how much affection she had for this son. However, she really couldn’t squeeze any tears out. Consequently, she looked so funny.

Qin Ya hid on one side. She couldn’t help but feel funny by watching this.

"What brings mother here?"

Obviously, Huang’s sad face couldn’t convince Li Chenggu. He avoided Huang's touch in a subtle manner and stood aside to ask.

"It’s all your wife’s fault, Chenggu. I'm afraid you still don’t know yet about how many guys she had affairs with when you were not at home. It's said that a thief broke into the house yesterday. However, who knows what was really going on between her and that guy?"

Seeing Li Chenggu come back, Huang immediately splashed filth to this second daughter-in-law.

"I think she's just having sex with that man. Since you are coming back, they want to see each other secretly for the last time. When they were caught by others, they claimed that he was a thief. Bah, what a bitch! She doesn’t follow the doctrines of women."

Zhu Cuihua also spoke in support of her mother-in-law.

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