Chapter 21

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"Don't cry."

He was not good at comforting women. He pressed his lips and just spoke his mind.

Under the shock and fear, Qin Ya thought that she would have died in the first place yet escaped from it. Now, even her man came back home.

Her tears kept running down her face.

The room was in a total mess

The thief was still bleeding. Li Chenggu held the man's collar like he was a thin chicken walking to the yard.

Li Chenggu threw the thief to the corner of the yard. Afterward, he made sure that the thief was short of breath and he would not die or escape at the moment.

"You and Xin’er can go and tidy up the room while I’m going to make some food to fill us. I'll take care of the rest of the stuff afterward."

This man, who was just a peasant, showed extraordinary calmness and made arrangements about the present scene in a sedative manner.

Because of what had happened just now, Qin Ya was in urgent need of support. While he was making the arrangements, Qin Ya picked up the broom made of the wheat straw and swept the floor.

The house was not big. There was a hall and two side rooms. A firewood room was down further to the side house, which was also used for cooking. The other one was for resting and sleeping.

There was a shithouse and a well in the yard. Although the layout of the house was simple, it was quite a cozy place after cleaning up.

Li Chenggu went into the second room on the right side. After a while, the smell of food wafted.

Did men really cook in this era? Wasn’t it said that “a gentleman should distance from the kitchen”?

Qin Ya was a little surprised but was also clever enough to hold her question to herself.

Spending all the time dealing with the situations coming up, it was almost dawn. This family of three finally set up a table in the hall, set the meal, and were ready to eat.

Frankly, Li Chenggu was really good at cooking. A simple dish of pork with glass noodles, two dishes of cold wild vegetables, and the hare braised in soy sauce were all perfect combinations of color, taste, and appearance.

Qin Ya hadn't had a good meal since she transmigrated to this place. She ate a lot of food together with the porridge.

When she raised her head again, she surprisingly found that other than her who ate like a horse, the other two were both eating in a gentle manner.

They picked up the food in the dishes with chopsticks quietly. Neither of them talked when they were eating. There was no sound of the collision between the bowls and chopsticks either. It would be believed that these two were well-educated gentlemen instead of farmers in a small village.

Li Chenggu also educated Li Xin very well. Although Li Xin was a little boy, he already had the demeanor of Li Chenggu.

Qin Ya finally slowed down with eating and flushed.

She really felt that it was a shame when she compared herself with those two men.

Li Chenggu didn't notice this. In his eyes, his wife always gorged on food.

He suggested that she should eat slower before.

However, Qin Sufen hadn’t listened to him and even looked at him with complaints in her eyes as if he could not bear her to eat so much.

Afterward, he stopped convincing her. He married her only to find a mother for Xin’er. There should be a woman in the family, regardless of her appearance and temperament. It didn’t matter if she was fat or greedy as long as Xin’er could enjoy maternal love.

After dinner, Qin Ya volunteered to clean up the dishes.

On the one hand, she wanted to do something in this family and not to be regarded as a lazy person. On the other hand, she wanted to escape from such an embarrassing moment.

After she left, Li Xin'er secretly pulled his father's sleeves and pointed to the direction where Qin Ya had left. He said in a naughty way, "Daddy, mommy blushed just now!"

Although he did not know the reason, he sat opposite his mother and saw it clearly!

Was it because Daddy was back?

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