Chapter 10: An Unexpected Surprise

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"Excuse me, what did you say?" I ask the doctor to make sure I heard him right.

"You're pregnant," the doctor says.

"Are you sure?" I ask shocked.

"Yes Mrs. Beckett. I'm sure," the doctor says chuckling. I look at him shocked completely speechless. "Okay, this is what I want you to do: I don't want you to wear any corsets or drink any alcohol for the rest of the pregnancy, and I want to monitor you every month to check if you and the baby are healthy," he says.

"Okay," I say then leave without saying goodbye and saw Groves by the carriage waiting for me.

Once I got in the carriage and headed towards my childhood home, I suddenly felt so much anger. I had a feeling at what Beckett gave me wasn't a spermicidal effect.

Once I got to my childhood home, I put on a straight face so my father wouldn't see that I was angry. I knocked on the door and Thomas answered. I asked him if my father was in, and he told me he was in his study. I ran up the stairs without replying with Groves closely following.

"You can wait out here while I talk to my father," I say to Groves. He nods and stands beside the door.

I knocked and waited for the 'come in' before entering and close the door behind me after entering.

"Maria, what are you doing here?" Father asks.

"I wanted to come see you since I'm not allowed to see Elizabeth, and I also wanted to tell you something," I say.

"You can tell me anything, but before you tell me, I need you to keep a secret, and to not tell anyone this especially your husband," he says.

"I promise," I say. He gives a long sigh before replying.

"I have made a deal with the captain for Elizabeth to leave town to save her," he says.

"What!? What about Will? He's out looking for Jack to save them from being hung," I say angrily.

"I can't guarantee that Sparrow will help them. Please Maria. I have to do this," he says. I look into his eyes and know that he is serious. I finally give in knowing that he was desperate and won't back down.

"How are you going to do it?" I ask.

"The captain is going to wait for me by the docks and I'm going to pay the guard to open the cell and to swear him into secrecy and then Elizabeth and I will make our way to the docks in a carriage and then she'll be on her way to England," he explains.

"Just be careful. I don't want you getting into trouble," I say giving him a hug. I feel him returning the hug.

We pull apart and he looks at me for a moment before speaking.

"So, what were you going to tell me?" Father asks.

"Oh, um. I better get this over with," I mutter. "I'm pregnant," I say.

"WHAT!?" He shouts.

"Please don't make me say it again," I say.

"Sorry. I'm just shocked," he says. I give him a half smile. "So, you and Beckett had..."

"Yes we have."

"So, he hasn't been hurting you, has he?"

"He actually did a few nights ago."

"I was afraid of that," he mutters. Something hit me when he said that.

"So, you did know that Beckett raped me two years ago, didn't you?" I say angrily. Father sighs and looks at me with eyes full of guilt.

"Yes, I did, and I'm so sorry that I ignored it," he says sadly. I look at him and sigh.

"It's okay. I forgave you a long time ago," I say.

We both gave each other a look of understanding before Father starts talking.

"So, does Beckett know about...?" Father asks pointing to my stomach.

"No, and I'm very angry at the moment because he tricked me into thinking he was giving me a spermicidal effect. He must have been giving me something else," I say.

"Oh, I see," he says. I nod in reply.

"Well, I better go. I have a husband to confront," I say angrily.

"Be careful, Maria. I don't want you getting hurt," he says with concern.

"I will, Father," I say then turn to the door. "Let's go," I say to Groves.

Once Groves and I made it back to the house, I ran up the stairs and barged into Beckett's study without knocking. I see Beckett and Mr. Mercer giving me a surprised look with also Beckett giving me an angry look.

"Maria. I'm a little busy..."

"I need to speak to you..." I interrupt then look at Mr. Mercer then back at him. "Alone," I say giving him an angry look. Beckett looks at me for a moment before nodding to Mr. Mercer to leave the room.

Once Mr. Mercer leaves the room and closes the door behind him, I walk right up to Beckett and give him a look of anger while he gives me a look of annoyance.

"Now Maria, what could be so import..."

I interrupt what he was saying by slapping him across the face. I know my father told me to be careful, but I'm far too angry right now that I can't control my actions.

"You bastard," I say angrily. He responds by backhanding me across my face.

"You want to try that again, because I really don't want to punish you," he says angrily.

"I really don't care at the moment, because you tricked me into thinking you were giving me a spermicidal effect when you really didn't," I say angrily. He chuckles evilly. "Don't you laugh at me. So, what did you really give me if it wasn't a spermicidal effect?"

"It was a calcium powder," he says with a sly grin.

"So, you wanted me to be in this mess so that you could have an heir," I say angrily while putting a hand on my stomach. Beckett looks to my hand that's on my stomach then looks back up at me with a smirk.


I let out an angry yell and lunge at him kissing him with a lot of anger behind it. He responds back just as angrily and picks me up and spins me around and clears everything off the desk with everything scattering all over the floor and lays me down on top of it.

He pushes all my skirts up then undoes his belt then pushes down his pants down a bit then quickly pushes himself inside of me. We both groan in pleasure. He stays still for a moment for me to adjust.

"Move," I say.

He pulls back then slams back in. I throw my head back and moan loudly when he hits my sensitive spot. I then lean forward and grab his hips and meet his thrusts. He groans in pleasure. This goes on for several minutes until we both reach our climax.

He lays his head on my chest panting heavily before pulling out of me then fixes his pants and redoes his belt.

"You may go, Maria. We'll discuss this later," Beckett says.

I push my skirts down before jumping down off the desk and before leaving the room I give him one more angry glance.

I can't believe I just had angry sex with him and I'm the one that initiated it without thinking of Jack like I usually do when we have sex, and I have never felt so ashamed of myself. I don't know if it's even possible to hate someone even more then I already have.

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