Chapter 5: Visiting Elizabeth

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I follow Groves out the door and into a carriage and begin our journey towards my former home in silence.

We reach the front door and Groves knocks. The door opens and Thomas the butler answers.

"Ah, Miss Swann," Thomas says.

"Actually it's Mrs. Beckett, sir," Groves says.

"Oh yes, I knew that. Come on in," Thomas says holding the door open for us to enter.

"Is my father in?" I ask as Thomas closes the door.

"Yes. He should be in his office. Do you want me to go get him?" He asks.

"Oh no thank you, Thomas. I'll go to him," I say.

"Go right up," he says gesturing towards the stairs.

I pick up my skirts and walk up the stairs with Groves following me. I stop outside a door and knock.

"Come in," I hear Father call. I open the door and see Father working at his desk. He looks up and sees me.

"Maria," Father says. He stands up from his desk and comes to me and wraps his arms around me and kisses me on the head. "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay," I say softly, but also sadly.

Father then looks behind me at Groves. "Lieutenant Groves," he says.

"Governor Swann." Groves nods in return.

"What brings you here?" Father asks.

"I have to watch Maria while Beckett's away on business for a few days," Groves says.

"Oh, and why does she need watching?" Father asks not looking very happy.

"I don't know. He just told me to watch her," Groves says.

"Father," I say. Father turns to me. "Is Elizabeth in?"

"Yes, but I must warn you. She's not very happy with me at the moment," he says.

"I'm guessing it's about my marriage," I say.

"Yes, and she has some news to tell you," he says. I perk up a bit.

"Ooh. I hope it's good news," I say excitedly.

"Oh, it is," he says. I squeal excitedly and ran out of the room with Groves following me. I hear my father chuckle and close his office door probably to resume his work.

I stop outside Elizabeth's room and knock on the door. I hear a sigh inside the room.

"Come in," I hear Elizabeth call. I open the door and see Elizabeth sitting at her desk reading a book.

"What is it, Father?" Elizabeth asks with her back to me in a not so happy voice.

"I'm not Father," I say. Elizabeth puts down her book and turns around.

"Maria," Elizabeth squeals getting up from her chair and runs to me and throws her arms around me. I start to cry into her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," I cry.

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who should be sorry," Elizabeth cries too. We break apart and I give her a slight smile.

"I guess we're both sorry," I joke, and we both burst out laughing through our tears.

Once I catch my breath from laughing so hard, I turn around and give Groves a pointed look.

"You can wait outside the door. I promise I won't do anything," I say pointedly. He gives a slight nod in return and mutters something under his breath that sounded like 'you better not,' and turns to leave and stands outside the door. Elizabeth gives me a confused look.

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