Chapter 16: Almost Reunited

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Jack's POV

I just came back from Davy Jones' locker, and everyone found out that Elizabeth betrayed not only me, but also her sister Maria as well. Oh Maria. Oh, how much I have missed her. I know that she is married to Beckett, but she is the only thing that kept me sane while in the locker.

Now we're all on an island with pistols pointed at us.

"He's the captain," I say pointing to Barbossa. Barbossa in turn rolls his eyes at me.

We are now climbing back onto the Black Pearl. I climb on behind Barbossa and immediately hide behind him biting my nails nervously.

"Sao Feng... you showing up here, it is truly a remarkable coincidence," Barbossa says to him. Sao Feng turns to face him but didn't answer. Instead, he walks closer and looks behind him. His smile turning cruel.

"Jack Sparrow," Sao Feng says. I peek out from behind Barbossa, still biting my nails. "You paid me great insult once."

"That doesn't sound like me," I say quickly. Without warning, Sao Feng punches me straight in the nose. I stagger back with my hand flying up. I groan in pain and reset my nose quickly. "Shall we just call it square, then?" I say with my hand still on my nose, trying to stop it from bleeding.

Will shoves his way out from the crowd pointing in Elizabeth's direction who was bound in chains.

"Release her. She's not part of the bargain," he says to Sao Feng firmly. All of us look at him in surprise.

"And what bargain be that?" Barbossa asks.

Sao Feng steps away from me and Barbossa.

"You heard Captain Turner. Release her!" Sao Feng says, and the men set Elizabeth loose.

"Captain Turner?" I say in disbelief.

"Aye, the perfidious rotter led a mutiny against us!" Gibbs says angrily.

"I need the Pearl to free my father. That's the only reason I came on this voyage," Will says.

"Why didn't you tell me you were planning this?" Elizabeth asks him, now free of her restraint and moves to stand in front of him.

"It was my burden to bear," he says simply.

"He needs the Pearl. Captain Turner needs the Pearl," I say pointing at Will. "And you felt guilty," I say leaning towards Elizabeth. I turn to face Barbossa. "And you and your Brethren Court," I accuse. I look to everyone on the ship with my arms open wide. "Did no one come to save me just because they miss me?" Most of the crew, Gibbs included, exchange a look. Marty, Pintel, Ragetti, and Jack the monkey raise their hands. I smile widely, pointing at them. "I'm standing over there with them," I say walking over to them, but Sao Feng stops me.

"I'm sorry, Jack. But there is an old friend who wants to see you first," he says.

"I'm not certain I can survive any more visits from old friends," I mutter feeling unhappy about this.

"Here is your chance to find out," Sao Feng says guiding me to the rail.

I look out to the sea and see white sails sailing towards us and know all too well who's ship that is.

When the ship became aligned with the Pearl, I was escorted to Beckett's ship uncuffed right into his study. I look at him and see that his back was facing me, looking out of the window to the Pearl. I look at him thinking of Maria then look around through his trinkets and boxes to see if I could find the heart of Davy Jones.

"Curious. Your friends appear to be quite desperate, Jack. Perhaps they no longer believe that a gathering of squabbling pirates can defeat the Flying Dutchman. And so, despair leads to betrayal. But you and I are no strangers to betrayal, are we?" Beckett says with his back still facing me. Glancing down at the 'P' seared into my skin, I remain quiet. Hatred bubbling beneath the surface, I kept myself void of emotion and continue to look through the boxes. "It's not here, Jack," he says turning around.

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