28. sorry it's a slytherin thing

Start from the beginning

The cover of the book showed the 27 Pureblood Sacred Family, each who hated family like ours and the Weasley. I brushed it off as Ron cracked his knuckles and Harry jumped into the conversation.

"Same with the Greyheart's."

I knew Harry was trying to keep in character but dragging my family and I into this rapid wasn't a good idea, especially Oden new acts he had up.

"They are tolerable, (Y/N) and Saint might be the only ones out of them all that I can stand." I looked at Hannah with wide eyes, her panic as clear as mine before waiting for Malfoy to finish.

"(Y/N) got enough class to not embarrass herself unlike the rest of her family, Saint well, she just simply belong in Gryffindor for reasons I refuse to go over again," Malfoy let his fall back to the couch and I looked back to Hannah who was trying everything to keep the Pansy act up.

"Do you have a crush on her or something Malfoy?"

"Who? Saint? Ah she wishes."

Pansy hand wrapped around her robes and I realized how bad most of them were at keeping their feelings inside.

"Change the topic please, like how the Daily Prophets hasn't reported the attacks here yet."

Okay getting on that topic was going much easier than planned it seemed.

"Dumbledore is probably trying to keep quiet," Malfoy turned to me with a shrugged and turned back to the other couch.

"Father was right, Dumbledore is the worst thing that's happened to this place."

"You're wrong."

Harry, I'm going to kill you.

Stop being the hero and shut up.

"You think someone is worse than Dumbledore?"

"Uhm- yeah Harry Potter," he nodded and looked to the rest of us.

Well at least he isn't just throwing me under the bus.

"You are absolutely right Goyle," Malfoy jumped in his seat, pleased with his answer.

"I can't think he's the heir of Slytherin." Malfoy stood up and walked around the room.

"Well why don't you tell everyone who it is then?"

Hannah spoke for the first time since the conversation to herself.

"I would if I knew Parkinson," Malfoy muttered as he picked something up and put it in his robe pocket.

"All I know is what my father told me. It's been 50 years since it was opened last and when it did open a Mudblood died."

I shiver at the words, knowing all the poor Muggleborn laying in the hospital wing right now where probably confused out their minds.

"If you want my opinion, I hope it's Granger," without a second thought Ron stood up and about to charge at Malfoy before Harry grabbed his arm and Hannah put her foot in the way.

Why was everyone so bad at this my Godric.

"What is wrong with you two today?"

I'm wondering the same thing about Malfoy.

Ron turned to me, his nose slowly melting into Crabbe's face as if it was always there. I hit my nose with my thumb a few times but Ron only shrugged his shoulders at me and turned to Harry who's hair was slowly coming back.

I looked at Hannah whose blue eyes were slowly overtaking Pansy, a dark brown one. I placed a hand to my jaw, Greengrass once sharp jaw changing into my own.

"Now," I whispered, standing up and running from the common room. I hear everyone take off after me, Malfoy yelling echoed off the halls as we ran farther and farther.

My legs burned until we made it back to the laboratory, my breath running out as Myrtle was laughing at whatever was in the stall. I heard small snuffles and I walked back, Hermione shoes still where they were before.


"Oh wait till you see this."

I looked at everyone concerned face, pushing my hand light to the floor that felt open. Hermione looked up from the floor, her face morphed with one of a cat. I felt my jaw fall open, the tail behind Hermione could be seen behind her.

Hermione Granger became what she loved most, a cat.

an the plot thickens...


greyheart; year 2↳h.potter x readerWhere stories live. Discover now