03.the burrow

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I finally let myself breathe after reading the letter. I remember that we would be leaving soon and slowly set the blue-ish letter on my desk.

I walked over to my small vanity, my face looked to be drained of color. I slowly brought my hands up to my face and pinch them, the color slowly coming back. I shook my head and walked over to the closet. I packed a few things that I would need, since we would only stay for a night or two at most.

I threw on my Weasley jumper and threw the overnight bag over my shoulder. I left Dixie a bowl of food, since she would not be coming with.  I looked back at the letter, folding it and putting it in my back pocket. I quickly rushed myself out of the room, hearing Sage scream my name through the house.

"Hurry up, Noah said there will be another girl my age so we must go now," Sage yelled threw the house, I knew she probably was tired from packing her bags and most likely Oden's as well.

"The girl has a name, Sage," I yelled has I ran down the twisting stairs of the old house.

"Noah didn't tell me that," Sage let out a breath.

"Sage, everyone has a name, I just don't know hers," Noah said. I finally reached the living room, Noah laid on his stomach on the couch with Oden on his back and Sage stood by the door.

Sage grabbed my wrist, dragging me to the fireplace. She pointed to the fireplace, almost asking me to show her.

I walked over to the box that held the floo powder, Sage making a loud noise when I walked away.

"Hurry up (Y/N)," Sage said, tapping her foot.

"Don't rush perfection," I said, walking back over with the small box. I pulled the lid open and showed her the box of powder. She took a hand full and walked into the fireplace.

"The Burrow," she said with much confidence in her voice. The green flames brought them selfs around her small frame. Her dutch braids slowly started disappearing.

"Oden you're next," I said.

"I don't think that's happened sis," Noah said. I turned around. Oden laid on Noah back, he was fast asleep. Noah slowly got up and threw him over his shoulder somehow without walking him up. He walked over and took a handful of floo powder.

Noah stood in the fireplace a did the same thing Sage did, his body begin brought into the same group of flames. I myself took a handful of the grey floo powder.

I stood where my siblings did only seconds before,the words came falling out my mouth.

"The Burrow," I said. The green flames clouded my vision, my already feeling heavy. I closed my eyes, trying to make the trip a little easier. Just has my stomach dropped, I felt my feet on a hard surface.

"(Y/N)!" The twins voices made my eyes fly open. I smiled and ran out the fire place, Fred already jumping at me. I ran into his arms, is warmth moving though me. I quickly let go and looked for George, who was right behind him. I did the same thing, happy to see them again.

"Excuse me, her best friend coming through," I almost jumped out of George's arms, ready to see Ron. We had all been busy so I haven't seen the Weasley in almost 3 weeks.

I turned around, Ron stood with a light smile on his face.

"Ron!" I said, jumping on to him, which caused him to stumble a little bit.

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