27. slytherin robes are a good look on us

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"Oh I love December," I hummed as I took my seat beside Hannah and across from Ron, Hermione taking the other side of Harry as he whispered each nothing past our ears.

"We are all set, we have a bit of hair of who we're changing into."

"Okay, let's go over it so no one gets the wrong hair," I spoke to each person, knowing how forgetful Hannah could be.

"Harry and I are Crabbe and Goyle," Harry spoke, turning to look to Hermione.

"I'm going as Millicent, I already have her hair."

"I'm going as Pansy Pugface right?"

I nodded to Hannah before looking at the group for myself.

"I'll be Daphne Greengrass." Everyone nodded their head at one another while Hermione spoke up again.

"We need to make sure that the real Slytherin can't burst in mid-conversation," Hermione looked between us all with a serious stare, Ron panic face said it all.

"How are we gonna do that?"

"Hannah and I worked it out," Hermione pulled a small pastry from her bag. I knew why I wasn't invited to help, I could cook or brew a potion for the life of me.

"Hannah made Sleeping Draught for these," Hermione slammed one on the table before looking over each of us.

"It's simple but it will knock them out for an hour or so," Hannah spoke before pulling a fruit from my plate and popping it into her mouth.

"Now after they are out cold put them in the broom cabinet and grab some of their hair," Hermione looked to the two boys, all the girls would be out for dentitions already so we were in the clear.

"Grab their robes why you are at it," I jumped in before letting Hermione lead the conversation again.

"Just make sure they eat the muffins," Hannah spoke, pushing the muffins across the table before we each stood up, our plates still full of food but nobody paid any mind to the fact.

"We are going to check the potion, have fun."

Us three skipped down the hall to the girl laboratory, Moaning Myrtle screamed as soon as we walked in.

"Isn't it the rule-breakers!"

We ignored the comment, Hermione doing a quick tire before we each pulled out respected hair from our pocket.

"I can't believe I have to look like Pugface, oh and I have to act like her,'' Merlin knows.

"That means you can't get up in Malfoy's face like this," I stepped to Hannah and had our nose bump together. Hannah pushed my shoulder and rolled her eyes.

"Might want to give him a kiss, for good measure," Hermione. giggled to herself as she filled a few viles.

"I'm 12 that's gross! Also you acted like Malfoy would let Parkinson that close to him."

I agreed, nodding my head and looking at the small glass of Deplane dark brown hair that I've collected from her paper after class one day. I hated how creepy I sounded but Harry and Ron swore up and down Malfoy, which still feels like a reach but I sat back and observed.

"This is going to be weird, not being us you know," I sat across the pot from Hermione, looking at the green goo that had built up over the month.

"Is it bad I'm kinda excited, like maybe for a few minutes we aren't the kids chasing after death," Hermione mutters while Hannah takes the seat beside her, nodding her head quickly while looking between us.

"I can actually be somewhat normal, not scared that some monster will attack me in my sleep," Hannah was cut off, the door flying open with Harry and Ron out of breath holding robes in their hands, the Slytherin robes already on.

"We need it," Ron held up the smallest piece of hair in his hand, Hermione jumping up with two cups of the goo in her hand.

"Here," Hermione took each hair and placed them into their own cup. handing them back to Harry and Ron.


Hannah and I stayed on the floor, each look of panic shared between us before Hannah titled her back and took the whole thing in one gulp. I followed closely behind, taking little sips before the taste was too much as quickly downed the rest.

At first we looked between one another before I got up and ran into the closet stall, the vomit making its way up and into the toilet bowl. I heard Myrtle laughing around something but I couldn't focus on what. I felt ice cold, my normally warm skin was freezing against the floor of the laboratory.

I looked to my hand, my once white painted nails now bare of polish and filed down perfectly. I stood from the stall and stooled out, ignoring Ron and Harry poke at each other and heading to the mirror.

My face was morphing into Daphne's pale face, her bright green eyes and dark hair felt weird to look at so closely. I didn't realize it until now but Greengrass was actually incredibly pretty, her skin clear and her eyes shining brightly against the cold skin.

"Wow," Hannah muttered as she stepped out as Pansy herself, the bob cut and dark locks were an odd but nice contrast in the group.

"We look like them," Ron smiled from another.

"You don't would like Goyle at all."

Ron coughed and tired deeping his voice, sounding like a toddler girl mocking the boy from her daycare.

"Hermione let's see it."

Hannah leaned against the stall and knocked lightly against the word.

"You go without me," Hermione's voice cracked and I jumped into action. Standing before the stall trying to push it open but the door was held tightly shut.

"I said go, please."

We all looked to each other before following the direction, each of us slowly walking from the bathroom to the walls of Hogwarts.

"Welcome to the day in the life of a Slytherin, first on the agenda stalk Malfoy," I muttered as we ran down to the dungeons.

I don't have classes today so I'll be shooting out chapters all day so be ready

also you don't have any idea how excited I am for you all to see book 3!!!


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