You shivered, for the first time in days you could feel the force drawing his feelings out and into your brain. Fear, Anger, Lust.

Hux grabbed your bicep and in one motion stood pulling you to your feet with him. You wobbled, head spinning from the sudden movement. You could feel your stomach tighten uncomfortably but you knew you had nothing to throw up.

"Come we need to clean you up before you meet with the Supreme Leader." Hux said calmly pulling you towards the doors. "Wait, I still haven't agreed to join you." You were too weak to struggle but you managed to force the words out.

He stopped abruptly causing you to slam into his side. He glared down at you his eyes narrowing to slits. "You don't have a choice, you will join the First Order and you will train with the Supreme Leader." He spoke quietly but there was a slight tremor of anger in his voice which made you a little scared.

"You have nothing left, the pilot you came to save is dead and soon your rebel friends will join him. They aren't stupid enough to come save you, you've been abandoned." You tried to shake your head but your mind was spinning out of control. Is he right? I mean he is isn't he? They won't risk losing the amount of troops it would take to get me out of here. I might be a good soldier but I'm just that.

He took your silence as resignation and pulled you through the cell doors, you couldn't stop the thoughts from coming as he forced you down corridors and around corners. Does the Resistance even know I'm here? I didn't get a message to anyone about my plan and I disobeyed my orders to stay put. They probably thought I was dead.

No one's coming for me. The thought slammed into you like a freighter causing you to stagger forward towards to floor. Hux pivoted in front of you catching your body as you slammed into his chest.

He studied your face closely, you could've swore a nervous look slipped past his steely facade for just a brief moment.

"Come we are here." You looked to your right, you were standing in front of a pair of doors that looked like they probably went to living quarters. Hux tapped a series of numbers into a pad next to the doors and they slid open with a mechanical hiss.

He pulled you inside more gently than before, he walked you over to a surprisingly soft couch pushing your shoulders to make you sit. You looked around the living space, there was the soft beige couch you were sitting on a wood coffee table and a brown leather armchair. You shifted slightly looking behind you into a small kitchen where Hux was standing staring into the open fridge.

To your right were another set of doors that you could only assume went to a bedroom and probably a refresher. Shower. You remembered the thoughts of murdering in order to bathe. Your nose had other ideas though, it was focused on something that smelled amazing.

Hux appeared before you the same stern look on his face as always but you were too focused on the bowl in his hands. He set it down on the coffee table in front of you. "Drink this."

You didn't even look up at him as you reached for the bowl. It was warm in your hands and the first sip was almost heavenly. As you swallowed you could feel warmth spreading through your body. You hadn't realized you were gulping the broth down with inhuman speed until Hux's hand was suddenly covering the bowl.

You let out a groan looking up to meet his eyes. He had his brow furrowed a frown distorting his mouth. "Slow down. I don't want you throwing up on my couch."

You took a deep breath in letting it out from your nose. You knew he was right so you took a second to pause begrudgingly staring at him until he finally removed his hand with a sigh. You started sipping the broth again, more slowly this time. Your eyes followed him as he disappeared through the doors to your right leaving them open as he went.

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