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THE COUNCILMAN IS DEAD. He didn't make it even with Mitch and Stephanie desperately trying to revive him. It was a huge blow to the team, as it was the first death that ever happened under the Baywatch teams' eyes. Once realizing he passed on, Autumn called for an ambulance to retrieve the body and to meet them at the docks. Autumn sighs as the paramedic pulls a blue sheet over the councilman's body, shielding him from view. She was standing with Mitch and Matt, watching as they load the body into the ambulance.

"You disobeyed an order out there." Mitch turns to Matt, causing him to look down. "Putting yourself in danger. You can't save anyone if you die."

"Yeah, I know. I messed up." Matt admits. "Ok, I'm just .....what are we still doing here?"

"Just write this down." Mitch orders him, not answering his question.

"Can we just go?" Matt replies, but pulls out a note pad anyway.

"Victim is male, five foot nine....." Mitch describes the victim, but is interrupted by a police officer arriving on a four-wheeler.

"Hey, hey! Get back right now. Don't contaminate my crime scene." He orders walking over to the three lifeguards.

Mitch just sighs, "Come on Ellerbee. Don't give me any of that jurisdiction shit."

"Uh, no, I won't." Ellerbee responds, smiling sarcastically, "Because technically, you don't have a jurisdiction, lifeguard. You got one job, make sure swim-happy white people don't drown."

"Technically," Mitch cuts in glancing over his shoulder in the direction the boat was in, "that boat out there is Coast Guard's jurisdiction, ok. And if I would've waited for them, all these girls would be dead."

"What!?" One of the girls exclaims overhearing Mitch. "We could've died!?"

"Burnt to a crisp." Mitch answers bluntly causing Autumn to slap his arm.

"Mitch, you can't just tell them that." Autumn says, while the girls freak out at the fact they could've died if the team hadn't rescued them.

"Sorry." Mitch says, before turning to the girls, "it's okay, you guys are safe." He turns back around and faces Ellerbee again, "So technically, we saved lives."

"Technically, I see a dead body." Ellerbee answers back quickly, not allowing Mitch to be right. "Which, technically, makes this a crime scene. "

"And technically, these technically's are wasting a lot of time, technically." Matt snaps, Autumn nodding in agreement.

"Thank you, blue-eyed demon." Ellerbee says, looking at Matt for a second.

Autumn snorts in amusement at the nickname. "Blue-eyed demon. I'm totally using that."

"Don't you dare." Matt warns her, looking at Autumn who just smiles cheekily at him in return, causing him to sigh.

Noticing something caught Matt's eye, she follows his line of vision, seeing a fancy blue faced watch peeking out from the sheet on the councilman's body.

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