The Kiss

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Previously on The Cartel Sister's

Jamila; Hey I'm all packed but we have a problem

Amilla; Carmila?


Amilla; What's wrong in case she doesn't know we have a time schedule and I still have to pick up ca-

Carmila: Oh please. mills?

Amilla: Seriously guys?

Camilla: What it's just a question.

Carmila: Come on you at least need a little woohoo in your life you haven't been with anyone in two years I'm begining to worry.

Yemia: Come on Drew.

Adania: We're going to leave.

Drew: See you tonight lady Carmilla.

Carmilla:Once again we'll see big Drew.

Hamen/Papi:You know what I mean baby doll.

Drew:We meet again Lady........Carmilla

Carmilla:That we do um......

Drew:Oh you got jokes its Drew.

Carmilla:Big Drew.

Amilla:Um not to ruin the moment but do you remember-

Carmilla:What Mills?

Jamilla:It's five o'clock.

Dean:Don't worry if you fall this time I'll catch you

Amilla:you probaly couldn't catch the pen in your hand

Dean:Oh you shooting me down already

Amillia:Nope but I'm locked loaded.

Dean:Well lets change that.

He movies in closer holding her leaning in for a kiss when...

Currently on The Cartel Sister's

Dean:Ow what was that for?

Amilla:You tried to kiss me and i don't even know you

Dean:I wasn't trying to kiss you its a bugs in you

Amilla: Eww.(throwing the bug off her)

Dean:Wait your not scared of bugs? (Lowkey impressed)

Amilla:I pinned you to the ground in one second a simple bug doesn't scare me.

Dean:I guess your right I know not to try anything.

Amilla:I guess so.

They walk and talk for a bit before everyone comes down to finish the party there.

Carmilla:So lets play 21 questions.

Adania:Yeah or two truths one lie.

Dean:What's the point of playing these games.

Yemia:Dean your a idiot.

Drew:I have to agree you could be oblivious.

Alexander:Hey get off my boy

Jamilla:To get to know each other better

They play asking crazy questions and dean than decided wants to know about Amillias relationship status.

Dean:Amilla next question is for you.


Dean:When was your last relationship?


Camilla:A little personal don't you think?


Amilla:Its fine and to answer your question 2 and a half years.

Yemia:Awe honey why so long?

Amilla:Business came first for awhile but now im back on the horse.

Carmilla:And a big horse she rode.(lifting her glass)

Adania:I feel that.

Dean didn't understand she's beautiful but at the same time he Was glad and he just met her but something about another man touching her was irritating to him he could tell she was one.

Amilla:So what about you?

Dean:Excuse me?

Amilla:When was your last relationship?

Dean:What makes you think im single?

Amilla:The way you've been all over me i hope your single.

Yemia:Oh Damn.

Drow:Bro she called you out.

Dean:Fair enough five years.

Amilla:Damn she broke your heart or are you just a player?

Adania:This just got very interesting.

Dean:You have no idea. (Dean and Mills look at each other intently)

Next Time on The Cartel Sister's

Carmilla:But daddy

Jamilla:But dad

Hamen/ papi:No no buts you've been training since you've been ten its time to get back to it you girls know the dangers of being out of shape in combat.

Camiliana/Mamì:Honey calm down but girls I agree with your father your out of practice.

In unison (But mom).

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