Hello Stranger.

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Previously on The Cartel Sister's.

Jamila; Hey I'm all packed but we have a problem

Amilla; Carmila?


Amilla; What's wrong in case she doesn't know we have a time schedule and I still have to pick up ca-

Carmila: Oh please. mills?

Amilla: Seriously guys?

Camilla: What it's just a question.

Carmila: Come on you at least need a little woohoo in your life you haven't been with anyone in two years I'm begining to worry.

Yemia: Come on Drew.

Adania: We're going to leave.

Drew: See you tonight lady Carmilla.

Carmilla:Once again we'll see big Drew.

Hamen/Papi:You know what I mean baby doll.

Drew:We meet again Lady........Carmilla

Carmilla:That we do um......

Drew:Oh you got jokes its Drew.

Carmilla:Big Drew.

Amilla:Um not to ruin the moment but do you remember-

Carmilla:What Mills?

Jamilla:It's five o'clock.

Currently on The Cartel Sister's..,

Amilla: I,um-Sure why not.

Dean:Sorry I shouldn't been so close to your car.

Amilla:No really I should have been looking where I was going.

Dean:Look It's fine I came over here to talk to you but I didn't expect you to fall in my arms so quickly you know I really like to court a woman.

Amilla:Oh really well I like to be courted and technically I hit the ground so maybe you can't catch or I missed my target.

Dean:Well im normally better with my hands

Amilla:Um........Well I guess you just had bad luck today

Dean:So miss lady can I have a name

Amilla:Well I don't know it depends why should I give you my name

Dean:Well I did help you up

Amilla:Well you did knock me down

Dean:Touche but i didn't leave you there like a asshole

Amilla:True I guess

Jamilla:Amillia come here you have got to hear this

Amilla:Gotta go

Dean:Well we've got all night

Amilla:We shall see

Jamilla:Do you see Amillia flirting with that guy

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