Accepted entries|| Action/Adventure

118 9 7

Note: Comment 'Seen' on your entry or so your judge can find your account. Please this is very important.

Follow your judge.

Thank you.

Judge: pomalo_

1. Tomorrow by 1800HongJoongsMullet

2. Battle for the lost crown by TeenageMutantNT15

3. Mary Carrins and the Sands of Time

4. Beyond by Netta3d

5. PSI Mercs by LelandLL

6. Bosque's Outlaw by Zidhi_the_Zebra

7. Better than a Man by Muslimah_Khadijah

8. Heart Freeze by kings_productions

9. The Dancer & The Magician by milkweedbird

10. Armageddon (The Trilogy) by Jarvis1989

Any questions, mistakes or confusions can be commented here÷

If your book was accepted or it's not part of this category comment here÷

(If it's commented anywhere else it will be considered invalid)

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