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Here are the rules! Please follow them

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Here are the rules! Please follow them. If the rules aren't followed we can't accept your entry.

Rules for participants:

★Follow this account. TheNadoraAwards

★Add this book to your library for updates and to a public reading list.

★The deadline for all entries is the 31st of August. If slots get filled earlier, we'll start judging immediately. So tag as many people as you can.

★Give a shout out to this award.

★Follow your judge when he/she is announced. Your judge spends time reading through your book, the least you can do is follow them.

★Your book must have below 5k reads to enter. If you are looking for an Award above 5k, please proceed to 'The Emerald Awards', in our profile.

★Please be respectful, no form of discrimination is allowed here.

★Any questions should be asked in the comment section and we will answer! Please refrain from sending us a PM.

★Participants are not allowed to ask for their score until the results are announced. Do not contact your judge before results are out or bribe them in any way. It will strictly be frowned upon and you will be eliminated from the Awards.

★Your book must be written in English.

★You can enter a maximum of 3 books, all in different categories. And your book must have atleast three chapters. (aesthetics, prologue and authors note excluded)
A Short story must have aleast three chapters in it. (excluding the aesthetics and authors note)

★The password is your favourite place.

★A judge can be a participant. But must not judge the category they entered.

Fill your form as a single comment. If not it will be deleted and asked to be rewritten. This avoids confusion and stress.

★Wait until after the Awards are over before changing your username/ book title. If you do so you will be automatically eliminated.

★That will be all. Let's go to the forms.😉

Rules for judges:

★Follow this account. TheNadoraAwards

★Add this book to your library for updates and to a public reading list.

★We have planned to put the results out within 15 days. You can start judging as soon as your slot gets filled and you will be informed by us. Your deadline will be the 15th of September, or earlier if slots get filled fast, no later than that.

Do not ghost us. It causes a lot of trouble for everyone involved. If you are taking a break and going on a hiatus, please give us a warning beforehand, through a PM.

★Do not try to misuse your position by asking for favours from the participants.

★Your password is your favourite song.

Please note that this is not a community it is just an annual awards so the rewards will not be community related. Thank you.

★That will be all. Let's go to the forms. 😉


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The Sapphire Nadora Awards 2020Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora