Accepted entries|| Science fiction

121 11 13

Note: Comment 'Seen' on your entry or so your judge can find your account. Please this is very important.

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Thank you.

Judge: _littlemeow7

1. Rhivera by sanch250

2. Kell of Inferno by SpaceAdventurer11

3. Lost Horizon by Voltino321

4. Unauthorized To Love by Passmetheadobo

5. Distorted Memories by its_corona_time

6. Ness by apagado

7. Odyssey by SumitJena2099

8. Alien Attack by spellWritez

9. The Conglomerate by ADGPO798

10. Looking For Hope by NefertitiFenson

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(If it's commented anywhere else it will be considered invalid)

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