Accepted entries|| Short Story

173 12 14

Note: Comment ‘Seen’ on your entry or so your judge can find your account. Please this is very important.

Follow your judge.

Thank you.

Judge: Rainnybow_x

1. Imperfect Puzzle by JayReshkee

2. CLOe- by Fandom-Princess7875

3. The Suicide Note by ChenzyO

4. Once in a Blue Moon by MichaelHoliday

5. Celebrity Life by mcallender

6. The Bride of Frankenstein by Passmetheadobo

7. Stay love by mythicalrealist

8. Their Insecure Sub by jiyarani

9. Cricket girl by chaitniya

10. Dark Intentions by LouisBaronSantos

Any questions, mistakes or confusions can be commented here÷

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(If it's commented anywhere else it will be considered invalid)

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