Kate rolled her eyes and found her strength back, pulling herself up and dusting off what was left of her dignity

"What are you doing in here?" Kate questioned

"Is that how you greet your guests?" Autumn asked as she reached into the cabinets

"I thought this was for me, sorry" Kate mumbled as she took a seat on the stool

Autumn's hand gripped the cereal as she closed the cabinets, turning the face the girl with a blank stare

"What?" Kate asked

"You need to stop apologizing for the simplest of things and I'm serious about that" Autumn said in a deep voice

Kate raised a brow at the girl that poured her cereal into water bowl, still half naked in the kitchen

It was true, sure Kate's a sweet person and all but in her line of business, constantly saying the word sorry from even brushing your finger against someone's shirt was shown as a sign of weakness, people wouldn't hesitate to pick her out and rip her apart like vultures. Hovering over and ready to destroy any chance at a future she had, sure it sounds harsh but that was the reality of Hollywood.

You can never have a good day or meet 100% genuine people with different intentions

May was a different species in the mind of the brunette and even if May turned out to be mean or do something she didn't agree with, Kate would still be grateful to the woman for allowing her to have the opportunity

"And you need to learn to apologize more" Kate said sternly, causing the raven hair girl to cock a brow

"I would rather be ran over by a straggot and that's saying something" She glared

"You act like its such a bad thing to show your feelings"

"Apologizing is showing feelings?" she asked

"I.. I don't know but either way it's speaking facts" Kate shrugged

"I can ... Show feelings.. When I want to" Autumn mumbled

"Really? I'd love to see that" Kate chuckled

"Are you saying I can't?" Autumn asked

"Honestly? Yes" Kate shrugged, Autumn furrowed her brows as she stared at the girl

"People take advantage of you when you're nice Kate, you'll learn about that sooner or later"

"Well I guess I'll learn something new if it happens but for now, I'm going to be myself" She said

"I promise you're gonna regret it but whatever" Autumn shrugged, taking her bowl and heading over to the sofa

"You're not gonna put some clothes on?" The brunette mumbled

"Nope. I like the feeling of the cold wind against my clit" Autumn smirked causing the girl to roll her eyes

"But I can put some clothes on if it's getting you hot and bothered to see me half naked" Autumn chuckled

The brunette's eyes went wide as she tried to contain her burning red blush that crept onto her cheek without permission

"Wha- I- no-" Kate stuttered

Autumn chuckled softly and stood from the sofa, slowly making her way towards the blonde with her blue eyes locked onto hers. Kate swallowed a lump in her throat at the way Autumn's hip would sway with each step, almost like a trance with her movements and her icy eyes were already working on increasing Kate's heart rate

Autumn hands pressed against the counter behind Kate, trapping the girl between her half naked body

Autumn's dark locks fell onto her face as she hovered over Kate, her lips pulling into a side smile and her chest barley grazing against the girls. Soft hot breaths left both their lips just being so close, blue eyes stared into dark brown orbs and drowned out all emotion

She chuckled softly, sending a deep feeling down the pit of Kate's stomach. Autumn leaned closer and the girl's heart almost left her right there and then, Autumn's lips hovered over the girl's ear, her hot breath causing the hair on her neck to stand

"If you're like this when I'm half naked, imagine what it's like when I'm actually naked" Autumn whispered over the girl's ear

Kate had lost herself in the moment, her chest rose and fell heavily as Autumn's lips still hovered over her ear.

But Autumn couldn't find the strength to pull away, her own hands were gripping deep into the side of the counters, her brain screaming for her to move but her heart fought it at the same time, her lips so close to the girl's skin, daring to just press those soft lips onto hers

Kate's head tilted backwards, her heart still pounded in her chest and a spark moving around in her stomach, her fist folded to contain herself from not pressing her lips to Autumn's, feeling that familiar soft lips

Autumn's heart raced in her chest as she found a small sort of confidence, her lips barely brushed against Kate's ear, causing the brunette to suck in a breath

Autumn then pressed her lips flat against the girl's skin, just below her ear. Kate's hands then gripped onto Autumn's waist for support, feeling her knees wanting to give out in the moment, a pressure applying to the center of her chest

Autumn then placed another kiss on the sensitive skin under the girl's ear, screaming to pull away but something just refused to

Kate's head hesitated, trying to stop her from turning but the will to resist Autumn's lips failed her.

Kate turned her head just when Autumn was leaning down to place another kiss on her ear and their lips connected in a small peck, both girl's eyes went wide as their pupils scattered in each others

That shy little Kate went on a trip the second their lips connected because Kate cupped the girl's cheek and crashed her lips onto Autumn's in a tender kiss

An exhilarated tension was already between the two girls. Kate gently leansed in and kissed Autumn's warms lips, feeling a familiar heat rise in her stomach the second their trembling lips touched, the fresh vanilla and mint scent was flooding Kate's senses and intoxicating her body.

A warmth flowed through their chest, their bodies pressed tight against each other as they allowed themselves to sink into the moment, soft and warm lips felt like an addiction, Autumn let out a soft hum when Kate's bottom lip pressed hard against her own, the sudden sound of the girl sent Kate's heart in a spiral, needing to pull away before she felt her heart explode

Their eyes connected when Kate pulled away, heavy and deep breaths lingering over their lips just like the last time. Autumn felt weak, her grasp on the counter was getting softer with each deep breath she took. Her blue eyes piercing through those soft brown orbs that were fully blown

But just the quickly as she filled their lungs, Kate connected their lips once more, desperately needing to feel the girl's intoxicating lips on hers again, fighting the urge to resist

She kissed her and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. Her hand rested below Autumn's ear, her thumb caressing the girl's cheek as their breaths mingled.

Autumn ran her fingers down the girl's spine and an almost electric wave shot down Kate's body where Autumn's fingers left, allowing a muffled moan to escape her throat.

Autumn gripped the girl's body with a force upon hearing the girl moan, pulling her closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel the beating of her heart against her chest.

For in the moment, they had forgotten where they stood in reality, their bickering and hatred faded into another world as their bodies molded into one

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