Chapter 8 ~ Proposals

Comenzar desde el principio

Alpha Joshua stepped in, nodding a greeting to Mum and I. "Good morning."

Before either of us could reply, the rest of the Alphas trailed in too. I listened closely so I could put names to faces and made sure to smile when they greeted me. Dominance buzzed like a constant undercurrent of power, setting the hair on my arms on end. I had to dig my nails into my arm to keep my own power in check. When Alpha Tomás arrived with Gordon, irritation joined my nervousness.

It was amusing to watch all these supposedly powerful Alphas posture, refusing to be the first to sit down. I rolled my eyes and pulled out the seat next to Mum, cringing as it screeched across the floor. Gordon sat next. And eventually, the rest put their silly games to rest and did the same. I tried not to laugh as Mum rolled her eyes at me, covering my mouth with my head down. I understood why she found them all to be childish.

There were more important things than who would be the last one standing.

"Since we don't have any pressing matters to attend to, I'd like to make my announcement," Alpha Tomás began, clasping his hands together on the table. "I have named my grandson, Gordon, as my heir. He will attend these meetings with me from now on."

My gaze immediately flicked to the male he spoke of, a male who preened as the others easily accepted and congratulated him. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, wishing it was my Alpha Female announcing the same of me.

Alpha Tomás lifted his hand to call for silence before continuing. "With this in mind, and the presence of another new face, I can only assume you brought your daughter here to discuss the proposal put to you and your mate, Cathwulf."

All eyes flew to us. I'd never seen such fury on my mother's face before, and such guilt as golden eyes found mine. She frowned at my expression and I shrugged.

"Gordon mentioned it to me last night."

That guilt was then followed by a flicker of hurt. But what right did she have to feel hurt about me not saying anything when she'd done the exact same? And surely she must have known it would be brought up here.
This was all becoming a mess already. Everything always was where I was concerned.

"As we told you when you spoke to us about it, we will get back to you after we have the chance to discuss it with Raeghan." Her words were clipped and sharp, power radiating from her. “We’ve had guests at our pack and we haven’t yet told her. But I'm sure you already knew that.”

Alpha Tomás seemed to be struggling to hold her gaze and few heads were bowed around the room. In that moment, I was in awe of my Mum. She hadn't threatened nor challenged, but already she'd proven to me that she was stronger than some of these males. So why didn't she challenge them?

"With all due respect, Alpha Female Cathwulf, your pack is still without a named heir. A mating between your daughter and Alpha Tomás' grandson would give your pack that stability, while also strengthening the ties between the council Alphas-"

"With all due respect," Mum repeated, uncaring that Alpha Joshua glared at being cut off. "That choice is Raeghan's. I will not force her to take a mate nor be used as some political pawn. Such a union would not strengthen any bonds, it would combine our packs into one. Which I think is the true reason to your proposal."

And the points go to Mum.
I smirked, sitting back in my chair. At least I knew she had my back.

"You're not worried about who will claim the pack should something happen?" The question was innocent enough, but it was the look in Alpha Joshua's eyes that had me growling.

"Surely my niece would claim the pack should something happen?"

We all looked up at the new voice and I heard Mum chuckle as my Uncle Everett entered. Eagan was with him, a wolf that I wasn't ashamed to admit terrified me a little. Like the male I refused to think about, he seemed to be permanently scowling with a hatred for everyone and everything.
Alpha Zale hummed, tipping his head as he watched me a moment before looking back at our newest arrival.

Way of the Wolf: Equilibrium Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora