Going out

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The days go by like a river. It's been a whole week when Tay and Off come to my house. Getting to know each other slowly, I found out that Off is quite a talker. He still calls me cutie or pretty and laughing at my complaints. He also likes to annoy New. I don't know why it makes him so happy. Anyway, my life has become more lively and it scares me a little. I don't like it when new people come right into my life and get it upsidedown. I'm unsure and I don't know how to react to all of this happening. I like to stay away from the world outside. My silent lonely room gives me comfort. It's a place where I can be myself, not minding peoples stares.

"Gun, are you working?" Tay asked me from behind the door of my study.
I pondered if I should just lie to him. But in the end, I decided against it.
"No, I finished it already."
"Than can you come out for a moment? I need to talk to you." He begged. I hesitantly went out of the door connected to my bedroom. 

"What do you need my pet?" I asked him slowly. 

"Me, New and Off want to go out for lunch. Come with us." He looked at me pleadingly. Out? No way. I don't like to eat anywhere else than in my house. It bothers everyone and I can't focus on anything besides those stares I get from people in restaurants, not mentioning waitress. I shook off the last horrid memory of eating with New in a restaurant near the hospital I went for physiotherapy.

"No thank you. But I will stay home." I swayed my head in disagreement. 

"But Gun, you can't stay home all the time." He made puppy eyes at me. "And we didn't go out together since I come back." He argued. 

"No." I insist.

"Gun, please." He started again. I couldn't stand looking at his face so manoeuvre myself to the Bibis cage. I gently took her out and creased her fur. It made me a little bit calmer. I don't want to fight with my best friend, but if he keeps going on with this idiotic idea, I don't know what I will do.

"I said no Tay. I don't want to leave this house." I answered sternly.

"Please, pretty please..." He tried to act cute.

"What on earth you don't understand at word NO, Tay!" My voice raised unintentionally. Tay stood still for a while, probably surprised at my outburst. But being an outgoing idiot, he didn't give up.

"I know you don't like how people stare at you, tiptoeing around you." He said calmly. I slowly faced him, still holding Bibi. He took a few steps to me. "But there is no need to worry. Me, New and Off will be with you. You don't have to mind these idiots at all. You will focus only on us and the food on the table." His face becomes soft as he talks to me. He suddenly kneels down right in front of me.

"What do you think."

"I... But... How... Where..." I stutter. I am so confused I don't like to go out but I really want to try with the three of them. Maybe it will not end up like a disaster again.

"Don't worry we have it all figured out. Let it all on us." He hugged me. „I don't take no as an answer." And like a fool I find myself nodding to his request.

„Tay." I started speaking.

„You are going with us, that is final." I sigh.

„I know, but you are squeezing Bibi." I giggled a little. He quickly let go of me and give my little bundle of joy a worried look. 

"Sorry, Bibi." Tay ruffles her white fur. "Get changed, we will wait in the living room." He told me and walk out of the room. I was still unsure of this idea. I'm scared to go outside even after these long years. I shook my head to get rid off dark memories. I put my angel back to her cage and proceed to choose some adequate clothes. Maybe I am scared, but I don't want to look like a loser. I choose the oversized black and white striped t-shirt with long sleeves and blue jeans. It took me a while to wear them. I looked at myself in the mirror scanning every single part of my body. I groan again realizing that people will stare at me anyway, even if I doll myself up. 

When I arrived in the living room, New, Tay and Off were already waiting for me. 

"I am here," I announced nervously. 

"Perfect let's go," Tay yelled smiling. 

"Gun, jacket." New remind me with a slight glare.

"I know."  I just rolled my eyes at him. I was about to move forward bud my lovely pet decided that he will do it instead. I gave up bickering with him in this matter and let him push me out. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Off marching silently next to Tay and New with our jackets in hand locking the door. We reached News SUV and that was one of the parts of going out that I don't feel comfortable with.  Cars aren't made for disabled people like me. They are too high or too low. At any rate, I can't get inside by myself. Every time I need to ride one, someone must help me and I feel guilty for that. You know carrying me must be really bothersome and the wheelchair has to be folded and put in the trunk. Too much work for one ride. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted with two quarrelling voices. 

"I will help him in and you put the wheelchair in the trunk." Said Tay.

"No I will get him in and you take the wheelchair." Argued New.

"But you are doing it all the time. It's my turn now." Tay replied bitterly. 

"I know how to do it and you will only hurt him. You clumsy nitwit." 

I was stunned, they are arguing about the most idiotic things in the world. It doesn't matter who will help me. I will be embarrassed nevertheless. 

"Hey." Off spoke right next to me. "Need help?" He asked. I hesitated a little debating with myself if it's alright let this man assist me, but nodded at the end. He smiled at me and opened the cars door. Then he stands in front of me bending over placing hands on my waist. I automatically put my arms around his neck. I was stunned that he knows what to do. He helped me stand up and then lifted me up in his arm without any effort. I felt my cheeks turning red. It was similar to how New was doing it but different at the same time. Unknowingly I let myself snuggled shortly to Offs neck. His cologne smell so appealing and the warmness of his embrace made my heart skip a beat. I never felt like this before with anyone. He gently seated me on the rear seat and smiled again. I didn't realize my hand were still around his neck until he tenderly touches them. I quickly laid them down. His handsome face was close to mine again and my heart made a somersault. I quickly avert my gaze elsewhere.  

"Should I put the seatbelt on too, or can you do it yourself?" He asked smirking. I shake my head don't believe my voice. I had a suspicion that he knew how he affected me. His mere presence made me panicking inside and it terrifies me.  


Authors note: It took me a while to write this chapter down. Too much work to do at home and the job.   😫 I know the updating is slow, but be patient with me please. Hope you will like this.  💚💚

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