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Well, expectations are always high for a promising teenager.
Most children often decide what they'd like to do in future at an early age.
But, most of this career decisions are hugely based on the options the parents make available.
Most parents here in Nigeria don't bother to ask what their teenage children are passionate about.
Very funny but troubling i Don't know why.
I have 3 siblings, i'm the youngest of them all and they're all doctors.
I'm also in medical school.
And i'm writing?
I've always loved art.
Music, theatre, writing, photography and many more!
I always feel the pressure of surpassing my parents expectations on me.
But i'm certainly going to do it in a different way.
I'm definitely going to do music full time after my degree in the university At least i owe myself and my parents that.
There are increasing cases of suicide among Nigerian teenagers yearly, they must have been depressed, threatened or been pressured in one way or the other.
The society has put enough pressure on youths and sadly parents add to the heap.
Academic pressure is a common one here in Nigeria.
Some Youths feel failing an exam is not an option which is good and motivational but when they eventually do they become depressed and start considering dropping out or worse, suicide.
Peer pressure has always had its toll on youths.
Most youths end up in situations beyond their control because of pressure from their peers!
But,all i've been telling you is what you already know right?
Well, this is something you don't know oppression is tagged healthy, Depression is tagged cool, fraudulent activities and scams seems to be rebranded hustling.
Pressure is everywhere,it takes a strong person not to fold under it.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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