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Plans are pretty much something everyone has. We all see plans as a way of achieving our dreams.
The sequence of events in nigeria makes almost all Nigerian teenagers think dreams are like CANCER, something that should never grow.some people actually say that your dream can kill you out here.

It would be completely sad to say this is a nation where dreams never actually grow to its initial potential or never grows at all but it's true!
Most youths that planned on becoming doctors,lawyers,business tycoons and so much more initially are into fraudulent activities now! Cybercrime, robbery and almost anything that can earn them money! Some still use this illegal way to fund their dreams but not everyone is interested in their original plan most times. Definitely not after making easy money.

Looking back, it's funny how I drew a blueprint of my whole life which included me building a supermarket for my mum around age 25 probably.
It would still happen though.
But it's definitely not going to be easy.

Most youths in nigeria have accepted the false fate that "you can't have your exact dream come true" it's sad but almost true.

Although being really honest, most teens don't put in reality while planning and dreaming!

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