"Oakley, princess, hush." he whispered, energy depleted but still stern. "Please, you and I have both been in this position now. Surely you know that we could argue about this for years. Let's just be happy it's over. And you're here, and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm so relieved you're still here." he continued, making a good point before yabbering and rubbing his nose as the drugs began to itch it.

I smiled allowing a blush to come to my face, unable to stay frantic or anything less than happy and at ease around Seth. He made it impossible to not smile.

"There's my favourite smile," he cooed, cupping my face with his good arm and staring up at me. "I live for that smile....god you're so beautiful."

I grabbed Seth's hand from beside my face, planting kisses on his hand and knuckles before clasping it into my own. "You're the reason this smile exists." I whispered back.

Seth's eyes never left mine, staring lovingly as he grinned from ear to ear. His precious dimples were deep in his smile, the twinkle in his eye prominent as he stared back at me. The blush on my cheek was back once again, smiling down at my imprint who despite being crushed by a vampire, was here smiling at me. Seth really never had anything other than positivity and love coursing through his veins, and it was my favourite thing about him.

I noticed his eyelashes becoming heavy, flickering in and out of consciousness. I reached over and turned the lamp down a notch, allowing the light to fall more comfortably in the room, before getting myself comfortable at Seth's bedside, holding his hand with one, stroking his hair with the other, and leaning my head on the bed beside him.

My fingers found a comforting rhythm in Seth's chocolate brown locks, tangling gently and soothing over his face in a soft massage as I watched him give in to the sleep that desperately tried to grab him.

"Goodnight, my sun." Seth sweetly and softly mumbled before sleep took him away, healing the injuries of the battle and the harsh day.


"One more episode!" Seth demanded, his attitude much more perky than the previous day of groans and discomfort. 

I hadn't left his side once, holding his hand and soothing him with love as he slept and as his body healed from its trauma. 

I got up from my seat and giggled at his eagerness, allowing the next episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine to roll over.

"You know for someone who nearly died a few days ago, you're pretty bossy!" I teased, poking Seth's dimple with a finger playfully.

"Pft, I didn't nearly die. I'm immortal my dear, do you forget my power?!" he toyed, putting on some awful fake noble voice.

I shook my head and laughed at his childlike heart.

"Talk yourself up all you want, but it would take a human a year to recover fully from what you went through. You're still gonna need to do some intense relaxing to fuse all that bone together," I played, sending him a wink.

Seth looked sad for a moment. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked worried as I took my seat beside him again. I instantly took his hand in mine, still feeling the sparks of electricity in his touch as I did. In the few days I'd been sitting with Seth I had rarely not had a hand in his own, or in his hair or on his arm soothingly, yet the feeling of nervousness and intensity never went away, and I didn't want it to.

"I was looking forward to taking you out on a proper date after the battle, like really looking forward to it. I want to spoil you and make you smile and feel special, how can I do that trapped in here?" he explained. This was the first time he'd shown any feelings of negativity toward his injuries, so I knew he felt strongly about what he had said. Until now he had been a trooper, not complaining once.

Fortuity // Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now