Because of this most of the other breeds have their own counsels of sorts for conflicts within the breed, the high magic counsel is only called in when there is a conflict between breeds that can't be settled between their individual counsels. I never have a problem going with them to the shifter, vampire, fae, demon, or any other breed counsel, but I hate the holier than thou nut sacks that are on that damn "high magic" counsel. 

      It doesn't take long before all the men are showered and presentable, ready to head out. I look over all of the men and take in their beauty as a whole. Forrest's clean cut and professional look, Drazik's rugged appearance that screams does it look like I give a fuck about what you think of me?, Emerson's minimalistic yet elegant beauty, Kieran's subtly unique style that shows off his character, and Leandre's nordic look that is built for both comfort and style.

      "You guys are fucking hot." I tell them with zero shame. Even if they could hear me, there would be no shame involved because it's true. They're hot as hell. I'm pretty sure even if you were blind you could tell how attractive they are just by the auras they give off. 

       "What is this meeting for?" Leandre asks in his rich baritone that has a slight accent to it I've never been able to place. 

       "They want a status report on our progress regarding our current mission." Forrest tells them, his deep voice carrying across the room. 

       "How much do we want to divulge?" Drazik asks. 

       Forrest turns to Emerson, "Anything else you've found out? Anything you want to make sure we keep quiet?" 

       My focus sharpens as I realize they're talking about withholding information from the counsel. Well that decides it then, I'm definitely going to have to go with them. I usually try to stay here while they're off with the high magic counsel because seriously, they give me the creeps, but I've definitely missed something important by doing that. Why are they keeping things from them? 

       A crinkle forms between Emerson's eyes, his thinking face, "Let's not tell them about me getting closer to a higher up's identity. We should keep that to ourselves until we actually have the information in hand just in case our suspicions are correct." 

       "What suspicions?!" I ask, "You guys have suspicions about the creep counsel? Why am I only hearing about this now?" Oh wait, it's because I ditched on all of the previous meeting with them obviously. Dammit Raven, woman up and stop being so scared will you?

        "Agreed. We'll give them the same spiel as last time but let's notify them about the possibility of things going down this weekend we're hoping to intercept for new leads." Forrest tells them, "Let's not tell them where or when, just that we'll be gathering more information this weekend." 

        Everyone agrees and they all pile into the elevator, heading down to the basement garage. The five of them get into two separate vehicles and I hop in the one with Forrest and Drazik, not wanting to miss anything else. 

       "How have your nightmares been?" Forrest asks Drazik. 

       He shrugs, "I haven't had one in quite a while. They're coming more infrequently and when they do come they're not as intense." 

        Forrest gives a nod, "Good." 

       Drazik looks over at him, "And your evenings? Any better?" 

       My head snaps to Forrest, "Goddammit what else have I missed? You guys really just need to always be with each other so I stop missing things. It's rude." 

       "I don't know how to explain it," Forrest says, "it's just an uneasiness that keeps me from really being able to fall asleep. I'm not sure what's causing it, could be a gargoyle thing." 

        "Any luck in finding others of your kind yet?" Drazik asks. 

        For as long as I've known these five Forrest has been searching for other gargoyles. I don't know much of his childhood or where he came from as that stuff was all talked about pre my appearance in their lives but I can only assume his parents are gone. Apparently gargoyles are either underground and off the radar or they are simply very rare. His struggle is one of the reasons I feel so connected to the group and him. I don't know what I am either. I have no idea what I can or cannot do or what to expect in the future. I just deal with things as they happen which, granted, isn't much since I seem to be some sort of ghost. Not having someone to help you through strange happenings is hard. Shortly after I started following them around I started being able to decipher auras which freaked me out at first, I thought I was hallucinating but no, auras are a thing apparently. The first time I ever moved something while in a rage terrified me too even though that happened long before I met the guys. 

      "No." Forrest sighs, "I'm not sure what it is but it almost feels as if I'm missing something that's right in front of me. That there's something just outside my reach that my gargoyle side is trying to get me to understand." He grips the steering wheel tighter, "I don't like not knowing." 

       "I know, man. We'll figure it out eventually and don't worry, you always have us. We're here and you know Emerson will be able to invest more time in the search once this mission comes to an end. If anyone can figure it out, it's Emerson."

        I smile, "You guys are so supportive, I love it." 

        It doesn't take long before we're pulling up to the large marble structure that houses the high magic counsel. To anyone non-magical it looks like an abandoned warehouse but apparently I'm in some way magical because I can see it's true form. It almost looks like a traditional courthouse with a jutting roof-line that's supported by 8 massive columns in the front. Just looking at it makes me uneasy and I'm dreading having to go inside. 

        Okay Raven, I tell myself, it's time to grow a pair of ovaries and get your ass in there. The guys are hiding things which means the feelings I get from this building and the counsel are obviously founded in something, I just don't know what.  I take a deep breath and exit the vehicle, mentally preparing myself for the sensations I'll feel once I'm inside. It doesn't take long before the guys have all grouped outside of the building and start climbing the stairs. 

        "Into creepyville I go." I say to the world around me, following behind my men. 

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