I float back into my guys apartment to see what they're up to and I'm delighted to find them mid training session. Almost every day they train in this giant gymnasium of sorts that's in their building and I love watching it. Forrest isn't as large as Drazik but he's just as ferocious. They both are no holds barred kind of fighters. Their tactic is to hit once and hit hard. Use brute strength to incapacitate your opponent. It usually works unless they're sparring each other. They're very equal fighters so their fights tend to be drawn out until one of them can figure out how to take the other down. It's exhausting for them but I can tell they love it. I float over to them. 

       "Money is on Drazik since he was able to get some more sleep last night." I tell them both, smiling as I float over to Kieran and Leandre. 

       Kieran is slightly shorter and more compact than Leandre but they're fighting styles are like oil and water. Kieran is incredibly graceful and lithe, dodging hits left and right. I've noticed that Kieran is a more astute knife wielder than fist thrower. He can hit no problem but his weapon of choice will always be knives. He always has at least three strapped to him at all times. One when he's asleep. What can I say? My man is paranoid for some reason and I will find out that reason eventually.

       While Kieran is fluid like water, dodging in and out while looking for openings to stick a knife in you, Leandre is fluid like oil. He is very good at dodging but he has more weight and bulk to him, making it not as seamless as Kieran's movements. They both have a hell of a time bringing the other one down though. Kieran dodges and weaves while getting a few hits in Leandre does the same. They're game is the same, tire your opponent out then go for the kill. Simple but takes more time than the other three guys' tactics. Leandre also has a weapon of choice. He wields two small axes that sit in a brace on his back. 

       Meanwhile Emerson watches from the sidelines, spinning his bo staff. I smile and bring my own bo staff into being, spinning it like he does. I've spent five years watching and learning from him. He's the same height as Kieran but he's the least bulky of them all. I smile, thinking of the hilarity of that. Emerson could kick all of their asses in under thirty seconds if he tried. He's an elf after all. Granted I'm still not sure if there are different types of elves or maybe half elves? I don't know I just go off of his pointy ears and the fact that the guys sometimes call him "elf" as a sort of of nickname. 

        His lithe grace is something to behold as he works his way through stances with the bo staff. I copy his movements, meeting him strike for strike. I know I'm not actually striking or blocking him but it's nice to at least feel somewhat included, even if he doesn't know I'm here. 

       A cell phone rings and I look over as Forrest breaks off his sparring with Drazik and answers his phone. The others keep going while Drazik finds his water bottle, waiting for Forrest to return. While I wait for everyone to figure their shit out I look down and realize I'm still in the onesie from last night. Laughing I quickly change into a pair of black leggings with pockets up the sides, a flowy sage green tank top, and a black leather jacket with matching combat boots. 

       I try to stick to a black wardrobe mainly as I have no idea what my face looks like. I know I have long black wavy hair that reaches my lower back but that's about it. I can't tell the true tone of my skin even due to the slight opaqueness of my body. I also can't look in a mirror because, surprise surprise, I can't be seen through a mirror. Another reason I can't wait to be corporeal. 

        "Okay guys let's finish up, we have high magic counsel business to attend to." Forrest tells the other guys. 

        I really hate the high magic counsel. Every time I'm there I get a weird crawling feeling that I can't seem to shake. The counsel is supposedly supposed to represent all of the magical species living in this realm. Which I think is hilarious because it's really just made up of a bunch of lazy, creepy, old witches and warlocks. A few other breeds have tried to get on the counsel but are, according to my guys, always turned away for a lack of magical ability. Total bullshit. They just don't want to give up any of their power, or so the guys say, and I agree with them. 

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