Chapter Fourty

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      My questions got answered later, after detention (which consisted of scrubbing trophies in the Trophy Room; fun). Apparently the other Marauders made up with Remus after they heard I was attacked. They, of course, thought I tried to commit suicide. That's the entire reason they made up with Remus, until he told them they were ignorant assholes who didn't know what they were talking about, and that I would never try to kill myself.
        Well, not in those words. But close enough.
        They made up anyway, with James insisting that he missed Remus's company, and felt bad about missing something. Remus shut him up before he could say what that 'something' was.
        But, now for the most shocking news of all: Lily and James are dating now. I don't know whether to be surprised or say, "I told you so!", so I just feel a bit of both. Apparently, after I was attacked, Lily was really upset. James tried to comfort her, and she let him. End of story. I didn't question any further.
        Also, Dumbledore tried a Summoning Charm to find my bracelet. It worked, and my bracelet flew to him from the Slytherin dungeons (no surprise there). He inspected further and found out that it came from Bellatrix Black's trunk, and she was hauled to the Ministry for questioning. She slipped that she made Elizabeth attack me as a revenge act on Lily. 
        I was confused at first, but then I remembered how Lily got Bellatrix and herself detention from McGonagall a few weeks ago. She figured the easiest way to get back at her was through me, her best friend, the weaker target. She told the Ministry that it wasn't hard at all to Imperius Elizabeth, as she was already pissed at me to begin with. She just needed the little boost from the spell to set her on edge. 
        When Bellatrix turns seventeen, she'll be spending a while in Azkaban. While she's still at school, she can't participate in any activities, and has detention every other night, plus all day Saturday.
        Elizabeth apparently felt horrible about the incident, and apologized to me after Dumbledore gave me my bracelet back. She also told me she was over Remus now, which I'm not sure I entirely believe.
        Usually, in the Muggle books I read, they'll write "And life goes on." Sure, I guess it does. But it's definitely not the same anymore; so much has changed this year. And when I think about all of it, I get a minor headache. 
        Who ever thought I'd be dating Remus Lupin? That Lily Evans would be my best friend? That I'd eventually befriend the Marauders? That Bellatrix Black would force Elizabeth Dower to attack me? I certainly didn't.
        And life goes on.

        I just had the most horrible sinking feeling writing this chapter. It's ending. Even I didn't realize it until I started writing this chapter! Agh! No! 
        But don't worry, this isn't the last chapter. I still have at least one more chapter in me, one more mystery to solve, and I think I'm going to stretch it out a bit; Write about Bria's new life with the Marauders. 
        But I can tell you one thing: You're going to hate the ending. I wish I could say more, but I'm not going to. I'm done. I should stop typing now. 

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