Chapter Thirteen

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And five, they came for me. And, if they knew about you, they came for you too. But I don't think they know about you. Mum and Dad don't really talk about you a lot. They want you to be safe. It was too late for me; they had already told people. And I go to Hogwarts, so they know. But I don't think they know you exist.
The reason they came for us (well me, but you get the point) is because we're the daughters of two extremely powerful wizards. That makes us extremely powerful too. More so than our parents. They're scared of us. That's why, Bria. They're just wimps. Whenever they see someone who may be more powerful than them, they kill. They don't think, they just kill.
I'm hoping you'll never read this. I'm hoping Mum and Dad find a good way to hide us. I'm hoping someone will stop him soon, so that we won't have to hide forever. But part of me knows that Mum and Dad won't find a good enough way. And part of me also knows that he won't be gone for a while.
But one can still hope, right? I think so.
Bria, I can't write anymore. I can't write this letter, writing as if I'm dead. Writing as if Mum and Dad are gone, too. Writing as if there's no one left to take care of you. It's so hard to think about. I hope this never happens to you, Bria. I hope you never have to read this letter. But I had to write it, just in case.
Bria, I love you. You're the best sister in the whole world. You're the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful girl in the world. Mum and Dad love you too, and think the same, I know it. Never forget this, Bria. Never.
The second-best sister ever,
P.S. We love you. Never forget it.

Tears streak down my face. Not here, not now. Not in front of everyone. I close the letter carefully in between the pages of the book, and get up quickly. I pick up my bag, and I run.
I run as far away from people as I can, trying to figure out a place to hide. I'm glad Lily wasn't here. She'd just try to get me to talk. I don't want that now. I want to run. I want to hide. I want to disappear, forever. I want to go home. But I can't.
I finally think of the perfect place. The Whomping Willow. No one ever goes over there. I hide there occasionally, but not often. The tree scares me a bit.
But now I don't care. I run to the Willow. When I get there I sit where I know the tree can't get me. I throw my bag down next to me, and carefully set Serenity's copy of Hogwarts, a History next to it on the grass. Then I hold my knees to my chest. I put my head against my knees, and I sob.
"Bria?" I hear someone ask, and I whip around.

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