Chapter Thirtythree

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I'm really sorry I haven't updated!!

 Lily hasn't been the most pleasant person since the Ball. And I think she has reason to. When she walks through the halls, people shout, "Evans, finally got with Potter, eh?" or "I knew you'd break, Lily!" She used to respond, but after a while she stopped. Now she just turns slightly pink and keeps walking by.
        It scares me to see this happen. In a way, this was what my First Year at Hogwarts was like. Everyone would tease me, and I'd reply for a while. But eventually, I stopped. I let them say those things about me. I ignored them, just like Lily's doing. I'd just keep walking by, my hair covering my face. And I've always regretted that. I shouldn't have let myself become the target for their bullying; I should have stood up to them, and showed them who I really was, but I didn't. 
"Lily, you need to say something." I whisper.
"I'm fine." She hisses back, turning slightly more pink when someone yells again.
"No, you're not." I insist.
"Yes, I am. I'm fine..."
"No," I say, stepping in front of her, "you're not." She opens her mouth to protest, but I keep talking. "Lily, I've been in your situation. First Year was exactly like this for me. They'd pick on me, and I would protest, but after a while I let them. And, that was probably the biggest mistake of my life. Don't let them do this to you!"
"But-but it's tiring to respond. To tell them the same thing over and over. They don't even listen-"
"Eventually, they will. Don't do what I did, Lily!"
She looks up at me for a second, and considers my words. Then, without saying anything, she simply walks away, in the direction of our next class. I follow her silently, hoping she'll take my advice.
"Lily, where's James? Aren't you together now?" A Slytherin girl remarks.
Lily purses her lips, and stops walking. "Shut the hell up, Bellatrix." She mutters, and starts walking again.
"What?" Bellatrix calls back.
"I said," Lily yells over her shoulder, "shut the hell up!"
"What, you're not together?" Bellatrix muses, walking toward Lily as I watch, petrified. "Then why did you snog him?" Lily gives her a death glare, and Bellatrix continues on. "Maybe you were just be a whore-"
"Stupefy!" Lily yells, pulling out her wand.
Bellatrix dodges it. "Come on, Lily." She whispers, drawing her wand, "Don't do something stupid. You know I'm far better at Dueling than you are. Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Neither of you will be doing anything." I whip around, and see Professor McGonagall standing there. "Except detention. Tonight at 7:00, Ms. Evans and Ms. Black. Now, go to class, all of you!" She demands, walking back to her classroom.
"Damn it!" Bellatrix curses, looking at Lily murderously, "I didn't need that detention. I'll get you for this." 
"That went well." I mumble, watching Bellatrix stomp off toward the Dungeons.

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