Mateo turned back to his daughter. "You know who this is?"

"That's Devonte, Alexis' cousin." She replied, uncertain of where this was heading.

"He's the enemy! Brutto figlio di puttana bastardo! (Ugly son of a bitch bastard)."

"Uncle Mateo-"

"Elena don't, just leave it per favore (please)." Gianna said quickly before turning to her father. "Papa, I don't want to do this with you now. Please. I don't know what's going on but can we talk when I get released?"

"Si, ti voglio bene. A presto. (Yes, I love you. See you soon)."

Mateo looked Devonte up and down one last time before storming out of the room. Everyone was confused as to what just happened, especially the girls.

"Can someone explain to me what just happened? Who was that Gia and why did he call my cousin his enemy?"

Gianna wiped the tears from her eyes. "Before I tell you this, I need you all to know how private this information is and it needs to be kept on the low. Devonte I swear to you that I didn't know anything and I still don't, but it's very clear that I have a lot to learn about this history between you and my father. Just please, all of you promise me that this stays between us. Please."

"Gianna before anything you are our friend, what's said in this room will stay between us."

"Von?" Gianna said softly while looking directly at Devonte who stared right back.

"I gotchu and for what it's worth, I believe you."

She sighed and cleared her throat. "My name is Gianna Carlotta Romano and that man in here a few minutes ago was my father, Mateo Romano, leader of the Italian Mafia."

The room went completely silent, so silent you could hear a pin drop. Gianna knew it was because they were trying to process everything but she had a lot more to confess to them other than the fact that she was the daughter of a mafioso. She was also going to tell them about what she'd been doing behind closed doors in regards to the situation with Constance and her thoughts on who may have shot her.

"I came to America right before the beginning of the semester and settled into the apartment my father bought for me. He has men who are never too far behind me and that is for my own personal safety, some of which you would've seen at college. He has many enemies though no one truly knows me in that way, they only know that Mateo Romano has a daughter but not my name or what I look like. That's why I'm very selective on who I choose to befriend and where I choose to go. I am not in my home country, I'm in a place that I'm not all that familiar with and anything could possibly happen, like what occurred at the party that night."

Elena stared at Gianna. "Please tell me you didn't do anything to put yourself into harms way Gianna."

"After Constance told us what I happened I couldn't sit back and not do anything, not when I am who I am and my father is who he is. It didn't sit well with me. My father has contacts everywhere so I utilised that. I got the camera footage from that night and the names of those assholes who violated her-"

"That's why you were at Erotic that night wasn't it? You weren't there to dance, you went to scope it out."

Gianna nodded at Devonte. "Yeah it was. Tony was and still is my target, along with all his other goons who decided to attack my friend. I don't stand for that shit, so with my father's blessing I devised a plan."

"Still is? Gianna don't be ridiculous, you've just been shot and you're still plotting revenge on this person?!" Elena exclaimed, not wanting to believe what her friend had been doing.

"Gia you don't have to. What's done is done and not you or anyone else can change what happened to me."

"Trust me I know it can't but I can't and won't let any of them get away with it."

"Look y'all clearly need a minute to process this shit. Lex, some of the crew are downstairs, take your girls and go home. I'll stay with Gianna for the moment, she and I need to talk."

Not wanting to argue with Von because he was one hundred percent correct, Alexis led the girls out after saying their goodbyes to Gianna. Once they'd left the room and the door was closed, Devonte sighed and sat in one of the seats beside Gia's bed. They remained in silence for a good ten minutes before she leaned forward and began to talk.

"How do you and my father know each other? How did you become enemies?"

"Truthfully, I don't know. He and my dad has their differences and they never resolved it, so naturally that hatred filtered down to me. Not that I care. I have multiple different enemies, I just never thought that I'd walk into a room where one was and one of us not wind up dead."

"If it'd been back home then I'm sure it would've happened, papa has everything in the palms of his hands."

"Thank fuck for that then."

"But on a serious note, you and him don't have any personal beef? It was between your dad and mine? Wait.." Gianna gasped. "Does this mean what I think it means, you're an heir?"

"No, he and I don't and I've never dealt with him or his people. It was strictly between Mateo and my dad. And to confirm your thoughts, yeah, but I am no longer just the heir. I'm the boss. My father was Lucius Wilson."

"Damn, so I've been chilling with the enemy for the last few days huh?"

Devonte chuckled. "I could say the same, though I don't take you as an enemy. You seem like too much of a good girl..apart from that day at the club that is."

"A good girl always has a bad side Devonte."

"Don't I know it." He smirked, picturing how she swirled around the pole. "Can I ask you something?"

"It depends. And if it's about the mafia then you can forget about it, I've already told you enough. Which I should add if you tell a single soul, I will personally find you and kill you myself."

"I'm cool with that but if it does come to that I want you to do one thing for me before you take my life."

"And that is?"

"I want a dance from Destiny."

"Oh my gawd!" Gianna screeched and covered her face with her hands. "I'll just send someone else to do the job instead."

"Rude. Back to my question though, how would you feel about teaming up? Tony is a target of mine too and I known both of us would benefit a lot more of we worked with each other."

"I'd have to speak with my father about it, but that sounds alright to me." 




Questions + Responses:

Gianna and Devonte were both shot, but are okay 🙌

He has emotions y'all 😭 buying her flowers and taking care of her medical bills, on top of getting her to the hospital quickly which saved her life!

Who do you think shot them?

Oop we had an unexpected visitor..Mateo is in New York

He and Devonte are enemies 😯

Gianna explained everything to her friends and Von..

Should they team up?

Vote, comment & share 😁✌

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