Nu ABO: A Memoir by Park Jimin (Chapter 1) - JiKook

Start from the beginning


When Jimin comes to, he's surrounded by mounds of blankets and pillows saturated with Hoseok's scent and he blearily looks up to see the rungs of what appears to be the bottom of his bunk. The room's bright; not from any lamps but from the gray winter light. He must have been out for a few hours at least.

Across the room, Jimin sees Taehyung's familiar lump on the bed with an arm and a head sticking out from where he's cocooned in his blanket. A thumb lazily scrolls through the phone he holds overhead.

"Tae?" Jimin rasps, the sleep not clearing from his throat.

Taehyung looks over at him, the surprise on his face lit up in blue light.

"You're awake!"

Taehyung plops down from his bed, wraps his comforter around his shoulders and wears it like a turtle shell. He shuffles over and squeezes himself in the little space left on the twin bed, wiggling as he makes himself comfortable.

"Tae, it's hot."

Jimin whines but makes no move to push Taehyung off.

Taehyung ignores Jimin's complaints anyway, pulls Jimin into his body and crushes him to his chest.

As talkative as Taehyung tends to be, he never really talks about his feelings. It drives Jimin nuts sometimes, makes him think that Taehyung's just gonna burst one day, like there's going to be one breath too many and it's going to pop the balloon. Jimin's realized though, that Taehyung shows it through other ways, through a not-quite joke, through a soft touch or a small sigh.

Jimin relaxes into the hug, thankful for Taehyung's quiet comfort.

Taehyung pulls away just as fast though, eyes drooping into something more serious, the way they do when Taehyung finds out Jimin hasn't eaten all day or practiced with no break in between. Jimin wants to tickle him to get rid of it; he hates seeing that worried expression, hates the coddling that comes after it. It makes him feel weak—makes him feel like he's not cut out for this industry. His grandma told him back then, that the entertainment industry was an Alpha-dominated world (as though the rest of the world isn't). Maybe she knew he'd end up an omega, the only one in an all-Alpha family.

"You okay?" Taehyung whispers.

"Yeah, it just—caught me by surprise."

Taehyung snorts. Understatement of the century.

"Yeah, we were all pretty shocked. I mean, Namjoon-hyung was blabbing on and on about how he should've seen it coming, like, 'no wonder everyone's so charmed by him' and 'no wonder he's so small'—" Jimin lets out an affronted noise and Taehyung hurries, "—no offense, Jiminie. Anyway, it really came out of nowhere."

The fan hums lowly in the background while Jimin lets all of the information sink in. Maybe it did explain some things—a lot of the older Alpha hyungs and noonas always seemed to dote on him, cooing about his charm, his "natural aegyo," and at that time, Jimin didn't think much of the attention. Namjoon had said that Jimin had some sort of je ne sais quois—Jimin had no clue what the hell that meant, shrugging it off as another one of Namjoon's big, foreign words that he throws out in order to win arguments. It turns out that the je ne sais quois was his latent omega hormones. Super.

"Earth to Jiminie—"

Taehyung pinches his nose and Jimin splutters, smacking Taehyung on the shoulder.

"What the hell was that for?!"

Taehyung retreats into his blanket cocoon but frees a hand in order to rub Jimin's forehead and Jimin relaxes, eases into his touch.

"Stop thinking so much," he murmurs, his thumb moving in small circles between Jimin's brows, "—you're going to end up like Yoongi-hyung at this rate, all bitter and pessimistic with life."

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