13 | Idiotic Tendencies

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Scooter stomps up the stairs of the RV with his phone glued to his ear. His face red with what seemed to be anger before he snatched his phone down and tossed it on the table, plopping down on the sofa. His anger towards me about the vasectomy situation has never diminished. Honestly, it felt as the days past, his disgust in me strengthened.

"There's absolutely no one willing to do the reversal surgery on such short notice. I even called the scumbag you went to first and he said no. He doesn't want any bad press around him or his practice if the news breaks—which it will," Scooter made sure to add, giving me a slight eye roll and look of distaste. "The idiotic tendencies you have has honestly got to stop. You'll go on this vacation and as soon as it's over, we will take care of this mess before your wife finds out what you've done."

There was five days left of the tour, three of which we would be performing and the other two for the travel time. Despite fucking up, there was nothing I wanted more than to be with my wife. Distance definitely does make the heart grow fonder. Time slipped away for us while the RV traveled in the direction of South Dakota.

A part of me regretted agreeing to going back on the road to finish the tour. My fans mean everything to me and I'm eternally grateful to have them and this opportunity they've provided me, but I couldn't help but feel upset for leaving my wife behind or getting into trouble without her guidance here.

Brooke wasn't a fan of coming to my shows anymore. She'd come whenever I was close to home to show support, but traveling on the road didn't appease her anymore. I knew it had to do with the PTSD she suffered when she lost the baby so I tried not to make her feel guilty for deciding not to join me on tours anymore. Scooter's constant nagging and complaining about my decision to resume touring also played a huge role in the guilt that I felt. Mainly because he knew how much Brooke and I needed the distance between us and even still, he nagged me about it.

"How many times do I have to apologize to you for you to stop giving me the third degree? I know I messed up, Scooter. I know that and I don't need your judgment every minute of everyday because I can do that all by myself."

"You feel that way because you know you messed up. Don't expect me to butter you up and feel sympathetic because you realize how dumb your mistake was. You've got me mistaken if you think that that's what i'm going to do."

Scooter didn't say anything else. He stood from the sofa and headed to the back of the RV.

The rest of the way to South Dakota was spent with me playing on the game. I contemplated picking up the phone to call Brooklynn but decided against it. I couldn't listen to the excitement in her voice knowing that I had taken something away from her without her knowledge, so I let it be.

one week later


"And you'll call me if anything changes right?" I questioned Jacob on my way out of the coffee shop. The remodeling crew was scheduled to be here sometime soon and Jacob promised to keep me updated on all of the progress. My vacation with Justin was moments away and I couldn't be more excited to see him.

"Your number is on speed dial. You've be the absolute first person I contact. I swear it." He smiles reassuringly.

Jacob knew how important this getaway was for my marriage and he encouraged me to stay unplugged regardless of what was going on here. He and I had a long conversation last night over a few cups of coffee discussing my unfaithfulness to Justin and how I was going to come clean about it. I intended on telling him everything. About how it wasn't supposed to happen. How a moment of pure weakness and vulnerability got the best of two sad people and led them to doing something completely unprofessional and wrong. It was my duty as a wife. Holding onto guilt never played out well for me and I didn't intend on killing myself trying to keep it a secret. I made a mistake that could quiet possibly cost me my marriage and I had to live with that fact.

"Okay. Perfect."

The private jet landed an hour ago and instead of asking Justin to meet me at home, I insisted he stay and wait for my arrival, and he had. He sent a car to pick me up from the coffee shop that carried me back to the airstrip.

When I got on the jet, Justin was passed out. I reckoned it was from his desire to pull an all nighter after his last show because he wanted to be awake for when I arrived. He didn't last obviously. Though he looked so peaceful. Love wasn't even the right word to describe how much this man means to me. I kissed his chin and moved a few stray pieces of hair from his face.

"Justin?" I whispered into his ear. I missed him more than words could explain. "Baby. I'm here."

He didn't budge. His eyes were glued shut and I figured the least I could do was let him catch up on the much needed his body needed. Scooter was sitting on the jet in the seat beside Justin's and I waved him hello before sitting down. My relationship with Scooter was solid. Somehow throughout the years he had managed to become a huge part in my life. I couldn't.d talk to him about anything. I could talk to him about my infidelity. It wasn't something that to bring up now, so I bit my tongue and and pulled out my phone.

"So, do I get to know where we're going now or is it still some top secret?" I questioned Scooter. He held his hands up for a moment before pointing to Justin.

"He'd kill me if I told you and ruined the surprise. You'll just have to wait until we get there."

I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed.

"With all due respect and much love, are you coming to babysit? I thought this was supposed to be just Justin and I."

"Don't worry. You won't even see me. My hotel is in a complete different location  to where you two are staying. Justin made it quiet obvious he wanted absolutely nothing to do with my needing to be near for safety purposes."

The jet ride lasted a lot longer than I hoped, and sadly Justin slept through the entirety of it. Once we finally made it to our resort, it was just the two of us. Justin rented a house on the coast of the nearest island in Barbados. It was fifteen minutes away—with a boat—to the resort Scooter would be staying out. The house was beyond anything I could've every imagined. White and silver trimming around the entire interior with marble floors that illuminated the house in the best ways. The house was so white I feared my presence alone would ruin its beauty.

Before I could open my mouth to speak. Justin presses a soft kiss to my lips. "I wanted only the best for the best. I've missed you, wife."

"Not more than I've missed you, husband."

This chapter was slow. I know, but the juiciness is right around the corner. stay tuned. oh and don't forget to Vote, Comment, Share 😁.

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