02| Don't Cry

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The distant sound of china clinging shook the slumber captivating me. A part of me hoped it had been Justin deciding to stay instead of going back on tour. Maybe he noticed my distaste with him leaving and the guilt manifested into him causing him to completely change his schedule around. Somehow the possibility of that convinced me enough to jump out of bed and run downstairs to see if it really had been him. Though it all seemed amazing—it was of course too good to be true. Kim had been rearranging the table china for a new set I had gotten from an old hole in the wall antique shop on Rodeo Drive. My disappointment must have been evident because Kim gave me a reassuring smile before focusing back on the china.

After spending all of that time with Justin yesterday, there was no way being alone would suffice. Maybe it was my misguided impulses, or the fact that right now being alone was the last thing on my mind, but there was a flight going into Canada today at ten A.M and I didn't intend on missing it.

"I'll be leaving shortly," I said. "I'm going to Canada for a few weeks to spend time with my parents. The house will be empty for a while so we'll need you to keep a daily eye on it. Justin and I discussed everything last night and we would like you to stay in the guest house until we come back. Charlie is welcome to stay as well."

Kim nodded her head and kept the conversation between us brief —leaving me much needed time to pack my bags for my trip back home.

Because the whole idea had been so sudden, the only best thing to do was wait until I actually got there to tell my parents I was coming. Surprises were never really their thing, but this one was more so for me. It felt good being missed. I couldn't wait to see the look of excitement they'd give me once they saw me. Plus communication via internet would never be as satisfying as their in person presence.

My relationship with my parents never suffered when Justin and I decided to move out of the country. Honestly it was something I prided myself on all the time. Of course they both had major doubts about us leaving, but all the while, they supported us endlessly.

Mom and dad always wanted to know what life outside of Canada was like, but never had the courage to actually see for themselves, so I knew that we'd be up talking all night about life in a different country. I looked forward to every bit of it.


The airport was swarming with people eager to get where ever they were going to or coming from. Large families towing enormous suitcases throughout the halls made me think about how it would be for Justin and I when our family was to start. He loved traveling. Imagining a world where we could take our kids on crazy vacations around the world didn't lack. We wouldn't be sitting in LAX though, that's for sure. If Justin had it his way, I'd be on the private jet already on my way to Canada not stuck in the airport waiting on this layover to pass.

Nothing made me happier than basking in the ambiance of my husband's well earned riches, but the private jet would always be something that sat weird with me. Yes it was something that was outstanding. He worked so hard to make the money to buy that. Though economy traveling for the job done just fine. After a short time of sitting in the airport and talking to a few girls who happened to notice me, a lady on the intercom announced that my flight was ready to take off.

Canada was my home. Growing up, nothing but the thought of being a city girl belonging to New York where people smoked stale cigarettes until their lungs were black and where the nicest thing people did for you was leave you alone, but that wasn't true. I was made for Canada. Unforgettable memories took place here—lots of hardship. Growth. Maybe it was even crazy coming back here because of it. Though I had survived here just as much as I struggled. This place made me me. Memories flooded back as if time stood still here the moment we left.

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