Chapter 1 Church Of Hage

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Sorry yall lol hhhh to those 5 peeps who saw my sike...uhmm......
hi .... _(:з」∠)_

3rd POV

Under the cold snowy night inside a church is a worried a sister afraid on why their two orphan children hasnt come back so late and their Priest is on the other village asking tatoes enough for them to survive in the winter

"whats taking Yuno and Asta so long..?" the sister whispered to herself till she heard loud knocking so she quickly opened it then she gasps at the sight infront of her

"Sister Lily! " the boy with black hair cried who is Yuno carrying two other children and one is a very bruised Asta then a girl who she isnt familiar with

Sister Lily quickly carried the two children from Yuno as they went up the attic and covered them into something warm then she opened a blue book with marking on which what they call a grimoire then chanted a healing spell making the two children cover in light blue

"Dont worry Yuno they will be alright...What happened?and who is this girl?" Sister Lily said calming the sniffling boy

"A man...tried to take my necklace and-- Asta ran and stopped him but he got really beaten up in the process.. Then while we were going back we just found her..."Yuno wipped his tears

Asta the unconscious boy's bruises soon healed but there was something wrong with the girls body... It's lime markings started to glow but her body was still on its injured state confusing the sister

"Yuno can you watch over them while I go get water for them? " The sister asked the tired boy who nodded

The sister took some water on the well and placed it near the fire so it would be warm enough to wipe off the children's injuries

"weird how come my magic wasn't able to heal her?" the Sister was lost in thought then the door opened entering was a Priest who was holding sacks

"Ah good evening sister I thought you would be asleep with the children by now... Did Yuno came back safely?" He asked

"There..was a bit of a problem... "the sister starts and tells him what has happened

"Y-Yuno's necklace was nearly stolen?! And Asta was beaten up!? And a battered child as well?!" The sister placed a finger on her mouth and the Priest quite down since the children might be sleeping by now

The two went up and saw Yuno also asleep then sister wiped off the blood off Asta then to the girl who's bruises didn't heal with her magic so she was careful

"What...are these...."the sister asked herself thinking on who would do this to a child when the she turned the girl around she witnessed more markings connecting to the back of her lower neck

"Is..that a gem...?" the Father asks the sister and they looked at the green gem pierced on the girl

"(the Blood around her wasn't hers... She didn't have any life threatening injuries except for the gem area where blood are still coming out)" the sister thought and holding tightly the towel while applying her healing magic and the markings starts to glow again causing the father to gasp

"(I won't give up on you... Your still just a child... You should be out with other kids playing and grow up to be a good person... Not like this.... ) please work..." the sister said and the Father prays for the child

Sister Lily removed the cloth once again and was glad to see the bleeding has stopped by but she was now low on mana, Father placed his hand on the sister

"Great job sister... " he congratulated then something happened one that they not expect

"where... Am i... " the Brown haired weakened girl asks with seems to be having trouble on opening her eyes

"Your in a church young one... Your going to be okay now..." Father said and Sister Lily quickly gave her a cup of water

"Here drink this... " she slowly sat up the little girl who flinched at the pain on her body but she drank the water since she was dehydrated

"who... -" the little girl was cut off by Father

"ah yes we should have introduced ourselves first... Im Father Orsi and this is sister Lily we take care of this church with some other children and--" They could not believe what they heard the girl say next.

" I..?" they see the girl hug herself and starting to cry

"it hurts... Everything...hurts... " the girls was looking at the markings on her hand, Sister Lily comforted the young girl and layer her down

"It will be fine young one...all you must do now is rest... We can then talk the next day.." Father Orsi says then the girl weakly nodded

"it will be alright... " Sister Lily said while patting the girls head as she drifted to sleep

"you do not need to worry... from now on this can be your home... " Father Orsi said and the sister nodded in agreement

"Asoka... "


aaaaaaaaaa hello n hi peace to be with those first five I bamboozled
N bout the RWBY fanfic my Tablet broke its difficult to go to roosterteeth n back to watt pad by phone so yeet

Adios ✨

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