Chapter 6 Hello Royal

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Because i have no self control and love i have decided to update lmao

Asoka rushed infront of Seresu taking the hits

"ASOKA!" Seresu catches her friend who took the hits for her and is now passed out. Her markings were glowing and she was covered in liquid and bruises from the attack, she wasnt Pierced but the impact of the attack knocked her out

"For a Royalty I'd expect your bodyguards atleast had some fight in them!" the cloaked woman cackled her Grimoire in hand. Seresu keeps Asoka and Aya close standing up with her Grimoire in hand

" why you!" Seresu reaches her hand to the air an energy circle opened and down came pieces of rocks quickly falling on the cloaked woman

"Not even using Grimoire? Oh wait! I just realized you just got it.. " The cloaked figure cackles as she quickly uses her magic broom to evade the falling meteorites. Space Rocks... This is Seresu Shikita's magic. They are sometimes quick, slow, more or less in numbers, but they are highly destructive heavy punch on its impact some creating a few mists. It sent the Hooded attacker to the woods

"that's what I thought... " Seresu withdraws her hand and turned behind to Asoka and Aya.

But they weren't there...

"Don't tell me..." Seresu thinks back, the hooded woman used her mists as a chance to take them! Seresu ran off to where she saw the hooded figure last went with her servants

"Im a fool!" Seresu curses to herself and quickly ran pass the trees, bushes, and mud.... Gross but she has to suck it in!

She just has to think that this is no different to the trees area of the Manor where her and Asoka would play and Tigu would be the one to find them.

Asoka has been her playmate and servant for many years even though they are the same age. To her Asoka is a special friend. A true one.. And she's not gonna let her go.. If something also happens to Servant Aya the daughter of Tigu.. She wouldn't forgive herself loosing another Motherly figure

"please hold on... Both of you..." Seresu continues to run


("lucky for me I have a spell that enables me to Grapple these cuties up...") the hooded woman thought flying on her magic broom and behind her was the two servants of the royalty. Hook like shaped pierced at the back of their clothing

(" a girl granted with two Grimoires? What a catch! And both of them are a beauty perfect to be sold in the market.. ") she thought and continues to look ahead. Asoka shifts herself conscious feeling the breeze, she does not feel any sense of paralyzation. The speed of the needles and it's shift into air still physically made contact with her hitting the spots where she knocks out

Asoka looks at the cloaked person riding the broom and beside her which is miss Aya, she doesn't know where her Grimoire-s are but maybe the cloaked person kept them... She needs to get Miss Aya out here and see if Lady Seresu is alright.

("But how.. ") Asoka though since her back is still hooked........she reaches for the magic hook and her markings grew, the magic becoming air.

It worked but now she's falling

"what in the-?! The cloaked woman looked at Asoka falling then quickly payed no mind. Shes falling to her death and gave her less weight to carry

"GIVE MISS AYA BACK!" Asoka covered in Pink mana using her magic to fly herself towards the woman

"Piercing Magic: Lances Thrusts" Yellow Mana coiled itself into lances, then the cloaked woman stretched out her hand towards the approaching Asoka

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