Chapter 12 The Magic Knights Exam

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Its here...

Its here.....

"Lady Seresu..." Asoka shakes nervously while walking with her Lady in the Capital City mainly due to Seresu wearing her Crimson Lions robe customized to show her royal status

"I am thankful of your presence My Lady... But you don't really have to watch me take the Magic Knights exam..." Asoka says as people gave them stares

And Asoka with her marking out.

"Are you sure of this?" Seresu asks her as she watches Asoka respectfully disregard the clothing she lent her and wore her usual white top but keeping the Grimmoire's belt.

"I've been thinking... If I want to have the captains see who I am... I must hide nothing of who I am..." Asoka says and Seresu thought there that she would have explained about who she is when using Matter Magic but then discovered that shes barely aware of it.

" These markings on my body... Connecting to this gem placed on me... It had saved my life many times as it also endangered it.. By not being able to be touched by any magic..." Seresu watches as her friend looks furiously at her own skin which made her worry even more

"... If this is the path that you wish for me to walk in, then please let me make the effort to show my true self to be of use of you more in the future!" Seresu watches Asoka look fierce and hold up her fist that Seresu hold putting it down

"Even by letting the Matter Magic posses you? I'd want nothing else but your abilities in my goal, but your safety must come first Asoka." Seresu says holding her hand yet smiling

"Yet you wouldn't care much about that do you?" Seresu asks as Asoka smiles

"From what I have learned from my brother... Is that Failure doesn't mean that its the end... All these years My Lady... I wake up each morning making sure no failure would be done in my service of you...yet all I remember up until now were my failures..." Asoka depressingly admitted

"Don't whine about it now! I would not have chosen you specifically to work by my side if not that you never gave up to be better! I grew up alongside you and witnessed you make your greatest flaw as your greatest weapon!" Seresu grins

Asoka wipes her tears that slightly fell and smiles

"...... You're right My Lady... My world had never been much brighter until you wished for me to be alongside you..." Seresu blushes upon hearing about this

"OHHHH!!! ASOKA!!!" both women turns to see the two boys from the boonies of Hage

"Asta! Yuno! Look at you two! Its like you've grown even more taller after a month!" Asoka laughs patting both of them in the head while Yuno lean more down for her big sister to actually reach him

"Oh Peasant King and Manaless King? I suppose its great to have more cheering members as Asoka takes the Magic Knights exam, its a wonder that both of you even got here on time." Seresu crosses her arms as Asoka stops Asta from going any further

"You bet that we're going to be cheering Asoka on! But me and Yuno are going to be taking the Exam with her!" Asta says as Yuno nodded in agreement

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