Chapter 17 Magic Knight Newbies and Senpais

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"Congratulations on our first success mission!!" Asoka blinks hearing this from Seresu

Oddly now, also looking around to see that their rooms are basically now one and together.

It wasn't a minute after Asoka woke up that she felt weaker than usual like she used most of her mana.

"(Maybe I just forgot the things that had happened... I should play along my lady to not make her worry!)" Asoka just nods

"Thank you, my lady... let's do more missions to bring honor to the Clover Kingdom!" Asoka says, but then sweatdrops seeing the look Seresu is giving her.

Her lady moves closer, and Asoka blushes.

"Do you...remember anything?" Seresu asks her friend

Asoka sighs still kept a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, my lady... but I do not, What I do remember is you telling me to wake up... I'm sorry that I've hindered you from our mission..." Asoka says, looking down

"It wasn't that difficult! You were by my side, and that's all I can ask for! As a reward! I shall accompany you to the city! Isn't this time of the week that you would go there? Also,call me Seresu." Seresu pats her shoulder and smiles at her friend

"T-the city?! My Lady, I'd be honored but- I am alright going on my own- are there things you'd like me to bring you-" Asoka began to panic around and just as she stood up her legs nearly gave in until Seresu caught her in time.

"See? You are in no condition to be walking around alone! If needed, I'll also call Aya -" Seresu stops seeing Asoka wave her hands

"No! It's fine! We can go! You and me! Uh-!? My lady It's an honor to have you accompany me to the city!" Asoka bows but kept being stopped by Seresu.

"Just call me Seresu."


"Sister Theresa! I've heard so much about you from Sister Lily!" Asoka smiles, greeting the nun that pats her head

"Asoka... finally, I get to meet you, good child... I see that you're now part of the Magic Knights and for the Crimson Lions  as well. You have worked hard to be where you are..." Sister Theresa pats her in the shoulder, and Asoka smiles

"Thank you, Sister, but I couldn't have done it without everyone at Hage supporting me. Also! This is Lady Seresu from the royal house of Shikita." Asoka says, introducing her lady.

Seresu has a sweatdrop already. have met the sister but also amazed how she acts so well as if this is the first time.

Before she could say anything, a little girl with brown hair walked up to them and smiled.

"Hi! I'm Marie! Are you really cool magic knights?! You must know my brother!" Marie says, and Asoka kneels to her level

"Hi Marie! I'm Asoka, and this is Lady Seresu! I'm not really sure, but maybe I do. Does your brother have the same cape as ours?" Asoka asks, then Marie shakes her head.

"He has Black! Black Bulls!" Marie says, and Seresu sweatdrops

"(Unfortunate child, does the captain of the Black Bulls have a habit of taking members with siblings on a church?)" Seresu asks herself

"Really!? That's really cool! Your brother and mine are in the same squad!" Asoka smiles, and Marie beams in happiness

Seresu looks around and notices a man glaring from the top at Asoka and walks to the nun.

"Sister... that man up there..." Seresu whispers,

Once Seresu blinked, she was scared that the man was now right behind Asoka!

Moving Forward (Black Clover Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon